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Sadie's POV:
"There's just, inches in between us. I want you to give in, I want you to give in ohhh." I, Sadie Sink, was at Millie Bobby Brown's concert. Shocking right? My dad gave me a ticket and I'd do anything to avoid third wheeling with Finn and his girlfriend. Finn is my brother, he's kind but also very protective.

Anyway, back to the point. I was standing near the stage. I come from one of the most richest and most well known families in New York, so I'm surprised I haven't been noticed yet. Millie also comes from one of the most richest and well known families. She's a singer and I'm a businesswomen. I work for my dads company but I enjoy it more than you might think.

Now you might be thinking, why is it shocking I'm at Millie's concert? Well it's that I'm not really a concert girl, especially big ones like this where I could get noticed easily. She is a very good singer though. She's standing on the stage right now, I've gotta say she does look gorgeous up there. Oh yeah another thing, apparently my dad is gonna get me married to someone, someone I've probably never even met yet. It's gonna be for some stupid alliance between families but I just hope it's not Felix Rodriguez. Felix comes from another rich family, though not an elite one like me, and Millie I guess. He's liked me for ages, and I've never liked him back. I'd call him obsessed, but I don't want it to be awkward if it is him you know?

I get cut out of my thoughts when Millie walks off stage and instead walks through the crowd, people begging to touch even the tip of her finger. Pathetic. "There is tension in between us, I just wanna give in." She sung perfectly while walking. She eventually came close where I was and I heard the screams of joy from the surrounding people. She carried on walking until she was basically right in front of me. When she caught me, she looked surprised for a second before smirking slightly.

Damn she looked good. But I kept my thoughts to myself and my hands to myself as she finished her song. "And I don't care if I'm forgiven..." Everyone cheered and she smiled at me before running back on stage.

"Thank you everyone! Hope you enjoyed the show, next one in New York again! 2 weeks to get your tickets! Goodnight!" She said, blowing kisses to everyone and smiling before going backstage. I guess the concert's finished. I'm surprised no one noticed me throughout the whole thing, except Millie. People were probably too focused on her, I'm starting to think she has that effect on people. People began walking out but I stayed, I don't even know why.

I also don't know why I enjoyed this concert so much, normally I dread them, but this time felt different. Soon almost all the crowd was gone and people were flooding the other rooms to get free merch and other useless things. I was about to walk out myself until I saw Millie walk towards me. She wasn't holding her mic anymore, and she seemed a lot more relaxed.
"What are you doing here Miss Sink?" She asked, her British accent clearly there, her arms folded.
"Am I not allowed to come?" I asked sarcastically.
She laughed, "Of course you are. I'm just surprised is all. I've never seen you at my shows before."
"Because this is the only one I've been to." I answered.
She smiled, "Well hopefully you liked it. Come to my next show if you'd like, ticket's on me. See you around Sadie." She said, smiling again before walking off.

I found myself smiling too. What the hell, Millie and I aren't even friends. Our dads are, but not us. Whatever, I might go to her next show. Two weeks away is it?

I walked out the concert room, and the area was still very active. I rolled my eyes at the people staring at the merch as if it was gold, before walking out and going straight to my limo.

On the way back to my penthouse, I only had one thought on my mind. Who the fuck am I gonna marry in 2 weeks?

Hopefully you guys will like this book! I keep getting ideas for them so I think why not, some might be short though I'm not sure.
Also thank you for 600 reads on UNEXPECTED!
I love you all ♥️

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