Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up to the sun coming through the blinds. I felt light breathing on my neck. I turned over to be faced with the blonde cheeky Irish man who was fast asleep behind me. It kinda scared me, but I smiled. I didn't remember what happened but I knew something wonderful happened. I pulled the covers off of my tan body and went to go roll off the bed, trying my best not to wake him up. I felt his strong arms grab ahold of my waist as he pulled me back into bed hugging me close. He mumbled "Im never letting you go". I smiled. As I fell back asleep.

"Erm, should we wake them up?" I heard a mysterious voice say.  

"Look how cute they are! Awwh! They should make babies!" Another voice said.  

"Photo time!" I heard as I saw a flash come across my face.  

"Niall and his new lover!" I heard another one shout.  

Both me and Niall looked over and saw the three boys standing there, Zayn was holding a camera by his face and slowly started to lower it. They started backing out of the room slowly and I let out a small giggle.  

"So, who was the one that thinks we should make babies?" Niall said, Louis started whistling and we all laughed. That was our Louis with his hilarious comments that were totally unnecessary. Niall turned towards me and propped himself on his elbows.

" Good morning beautiful" he whispered kissing my forehead. He grabbed my waist pulling me even closer to him.

"Niall!" I screamed as he started to tickle me. I laughed un-controllably.  

"Keep it PG kids!" I heard Louis shout from the living room. Niall and I started to laugh. He picked me up and put me on his lap so I was straddling his legs. He grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled me down to his chest. We both just laid there, every once and awhile I felt a small kisses on the top of my head. As I listen to the sound of his heart beat and his humming of the song "Little Things". Niall is so sweet I don't deserve him but, for some reason this just feels so right in so many ways.

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