Chapter 5

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(A:N/ Shit is about to get real!! Oh snap!)

Chapter 5

"Louis take her shirt off!" Zayn yelled from across the parking lot. I turned around to see Louis wearing my pink see threw top that Harry bought me a couple months ago.  

Well, today is the day, I thought to myself. I'm actually go through with this. I'm actually going to move in with him.

"Today's the day! You nervous?" Niall said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's like you read my mind!" I said, turning around kissing him. It scared me when Niall pushed me off to the side chasing after Harry who was wearing one of my black thongs.

"Guys! I asked you to help me move, not make your selves comfortable in my clothes". I said in laughter chasing after Harry and Louis.

*Niall's point of view.*

Wow! It finally happened. I can't believe it. She is just so beautiful. Words just can't explain. I want to marry her.... Do I? I do.... I do want to marry her. She is perfect. She will be my princess. I think I love her. But, how am I going to tell her? I liked to questioned my self a lot. But, I knew that I had to make her be mine forever. I just had that feeling, everything was just so right.

We jumped into the moving van and headed down the street to my flat. I stopped at the red light and looked over at her. She was crying tears slowly running down her face.

"Babe?" I asked quietly. "Are you crying?" She wiped her wet checks.  

"No" she giggled back.

"I just have something In my eye" she looked at me pointing to her right eye. I knew she was lying. I could tell that she was a little scared. I didn't want her to feel that way. I wanted her to feel safe.

"Babe?" I questioned looking at her as we pulled into the drive way of my flat.

"Yeah?" She mumbled back.

"Do you want to go out to the bar tonight to celebrate, because you know it is a big thing that we are living together.? " I started to ramble on.

"I would love too" she cut me off as she smashed her lips into mine. I was shocked at her actions. I could feel her lips going to a big smile. She pulled away and looked into my eyes.

" I never said stop" I looked at her with my big puppy dogs eyes. She put her lips back onto mine. As our lips synced with the movement of one another. My toughe trailed across her bottom lip. As she opened her mouth giving us a fight to see who would dominate.

-------Hours later------

*Tamera's Point of View*

"Let's go we have to meet the rest of the boys in ten minutes." Niall yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. I closed the bedroom door behind me, and started to walk down the stairs. Niall looked up

"There you a- a - are. Wow!" He breathed out.

"You don't like? I know it's too much!" I said walking back up the stairs.

" Wait!" Niall seemed to almost yell but it came out as a whisper. "You look like a princess. Correction. My princess!" He held his hand out to me.  

I was wearing a pink short strapless dress, with what seemed to look like little snowflakes all over it. I had done my make up into a smokey eye, with white and sliver sparkles under neath. Beside me, in my right hand I held a white small purse, so I could put my cell phone in, keys, money all that fun stuff.

We arrived at the bar, it's was already pretty full. There were slutty girls everywhere dancing up and down over horny guys. I grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him closer to me. He looked at me and smirked, he lent down to my level because I was a little bit shorter than him. He whispered in my ear with his thick heavy accent

" Don't worry, your my princess remember?" I started blushing as Niall let out a light chuckle. "What do you want to drink?"

"Water" I replied.

" We came to a bar for you to drink water?" Harry said leaning over my shoulder. I nodded my head lightly. All the boys took off leaving me standing there at the front door of the bar. I walked over and sat down in a booth. Listing to the heavy music made my head hurt. I think I was starting to get heat sickness considering it was pretty toasty in the small room. Niall and the boys came over as Niall handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks love" I smiled at him taking a sip. " Niall?"

"Yes, babe?" Niall said turning his head towards me.

" I'm just gonna step outside for a bit. It's a little to hot in here" I practically yelled. He nodded.

I walked towards the door. I pushed them open as the cold air touched my face. It was a big difference of temperatures. I stood out side and noticed a group of boys standing across the street. I didn't really pay to much attention. Until, one guy started walking towards the street towards me.

"Excuse me?" The young man said in a very husky voice. " Do you know what time it is?" I nodded and looked down at my purse to grab my phone. I was just about to click the un lock button when I felt big, strong, rough hands grabbed my two arms. I looked up with fear in my eyes.

"We'll aren't you beautiful.. Guys come look" he said making his grip tighter. All the rest of the strange guys came running over crowding around me.

"Get away from me! Let me go!" I yelled. He smacked me in the face covering my mouth with his hands.

"Don't talk!" One guy whispered into my ear. I felt scared. Wait! I was scared. I didn't know what was happening.

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