Chapter 1- The Start of Everything

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The sun shine through the curtains and cast a warm light on the pink skin of the figure asleep in bed. She was in a starfish like position with her blankets everywhere but her bed. A small snore escaped her mouth. It was peaceful until an annoying alarm disrupted the quiet serenity.

"I'm Up!" She exclaimed as she jolted up right, curly hair a mess.

Realising it was her alarm, she ground with a pout and turned off the rude device. Reaching towards the sky and groaning from the stretch, she got up and went to go get changed. Once she was in her uniform, she made her bed and opened up her curtains to allow the light to flood her room with its golden haze. She sighed. Today was gonna be a good day.

She smiled and picked up her bag, making sure everything was in there, including books, pencil case and her homework from yesterday's classes. She opened up her door and stepped out, closing it once she was out.

"Uraraka-San!" Mina cried as she waved and ran over to the latter. "Good Morning, Uraraka!"

"Good Morning, Ashido-san!" She beamed as they headed towards the elevator.

Just as the stepped in and the doors began to close, a hand stopped the doors. They opened once more and Shoji was holding it open.

"Thanks, Shoji!" Kirishima smiled with his sharp teeth as Bakugo simply scoffed. "Good Morning, Mina! Good Morning, Uraraka!"

"Morning Kiri! Hey, Bakugo! Hey Shoji!" Mina smiled once more.

The three boys stepped in and they rode the elevator down to the first floor. Once it opened, Mina continued to smile as she saw the entirety of her class there. She ran over to Denki and Sero and jumped towards them, flinging her arms around each of their shoulders.

"Hey, Mina!" Denki welcomed through a mouthful of toast.

"Come on, man...!" Sero sighed. "Don't eat with your mouth open..."

Denki decided to be a little shit and exaggerated his chewing so Sero could see everything in his mouth. Sero shoved the blonde playfully as Mina giggled, just as Bakugo and Kiri wandered over.

"Come on you extras." Bakugo replied flatly. "Let's get you dumbasses to class."

"But I haven't finished my brekkie yet...!" Denki protested.

"Whatever. You can eat in class." Bakugo grabbed the blonde's wrist and began to pull him along.

The rest of the Bakusquad followed in pursuit.


The last lesson before lunch was English with Present Mic. They were doing a team game where half the class was pinned against the other. Team 1 was the first half of the class; Aoyama, Mina, Tsu, Iida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Denki, Kiri, Sato and Koda, while team 2 consisted of Shoji, Jiro, Sero, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Bakugo, Deku, Mineta, Momo and Shinso.

This was gonna get competitive. Why? Because both Denki and Deku could speak English fluently; Denki being half Australian and Deku being half American. Present Mic cleared his throat and the competition began...

After a while, the scores were tied; 20 points for each team. The next question, in which was a tie breaker and unrelated to the English language, was worth 10 points so whoever got this question right would win. It was a spelling question.

"How do you spell; onomatopoeia?" Present Mic questioned.

"O N O M A T O P E I A." Hagakure tried.

"Good try, Hagakure but that's incorrect. You're missing one letter."

Mina thought for a moment, trying to figure out which letter was missing before a light bulb went off in her head. Her hand shot up.

"O N O M A T O P O E I A."

"... Correct! Team 1 wins!"

The team cried out in triumph. Mina giggled as the group praised her, a slight blush on her cheeks. The bell went and so everyone packed up and headed out to lunch.

When Mina, Denki and Sero got down the hall, Mina realised she left her phone behind.

"I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria. I left my phone behind." Mina walked backwards as she spoke.

"All good! We'll meet you there!" Denki beamed. "Ill get you some lunch and we'll save you a seat!"

"Thanks, Denks!"

Mina turned and hurried back to the classroom. Everyone had already left so the class was empty. Or so she thought. As she got to the door, she entered and saw Kirishima and Bakugo kissing. They noticed her standing there.

"Take a picture." Bakugo said flatly. "It might last longer."

"S-Sorry...!" Mina stammered as she snapped out of it and quickly got her phone.

Once she left the class, she learnt against the wall and tried to process what just happened. Her best friend, her crush, was gay... And dating her other best friend. She grabbed the front of her shirt and clenched it in her first as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry. She shook her head and ran in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

She raced to the girls bathroom and ignored the other students that were wondering out or still lingering inside. It went silent as others left. Just as she calmed down, she heard a frustrated voice and the sounds of crying. She opened the toilet stall and saw Kinoko Komori from 1B.

"Hey... Komori...!" Mina began with a hesitant tone to her voice.

"..." Komori turned. She could've been crying but her fringe, in which was covering basically her entire face, hid her eyes. "O-oh...! Hi, Ashido..."

"Are you alright? You sound upset."


"It's alright. If you don't wanna talk then that's fine. I mainly wanted to make sure you're OK."

"I- *sigh* I really like this boy in my class but I keep seeing him talking and hanging around a boy from your class..."

"Who is it if you don't mind me asking?"

"... It's Shihai Kuroiro... And I think... I think he likes Fumikage Tokoyami... I really wanna tell Kuroiro how I feel but... I'm scared..."

"Well, I can tell you this; if you don't tell him how you feel, then you might lose the opportunity and he might leave with someone else and leave you heart broken."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. And trust me, I know what that's like..."

"OK. I'm gonna tell him how I feel! Thanks, Ashido!"

Mina smiled and watched as Komori raced out.

As Mina was walking back to the dorms, Komori raced over to her, after pulling away from her own class.

"Ashido!" She beamed.

"Oh! Hey, Komori!" Mina smiled. "What's up?"

"I did it! I told Kuroiro how I felt and we're going on a date after school tomorrow!"

"I'm so happy for you, Komori!"

"Thanks. And I owe it all to you. Without your advice, I'd still be crying in the bathroom about how I can't tell him."

"No problem."

The duo embraced in a friendly hug before heading to their respective dorm buildings.

Mina smiled to herself. Helping Komori actually helped her forget about how upset she was over Kirishima. Maybe this is what she could do. Observe her classmates and friends and help them with their crushes and give out relationship advice.

'Yeah. That's what I'll do.' Mina ran into the dorms.

The first chapter has been uploaded!
I hope you lot enjoyed!

Until the next update!


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