Chapter 6- Wait- WHAT?!

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Mina was in the changing rooms, changing into her hero costume. The Big 3 we're taking on two students each for a sort of internship. Deku was asked by Lemillion while Kirishima was asked by Suneater.

You may be wondering; why was Mina changing?

Well, the answer is simple, Nejire-chan had asked for Mina to go with her.


"As you know, the Big 3 have been taking notes on this class since your first training with them." Aizawa explained as Mirio, Tamaki and Hado stood next to him. "They have chosen 3 people, from 1A and 1B, to work with them."

"I've Chosen, Midoriya!" Mirio beamed. "Because his quirk is quiet unique, I'm wanting to work with him to expand his abilities and the way he uses it; specifically his Black Whip."

"..." Amajiki shuffled his feet, keeping his head down. "... I chose Kirishima because we've worked together and he's the only one I feel comfortable with."

"And I have chosen, Ashido-san!" Hado beamed brightly. "I've seen how she works and I think we could be great partners; we just need to work with each other a bit more to make that happen!"

"You'll find out which 1B student you'll be working with, tomorrow." Aizawa finished.

*Flashback Over*

Mina set her left foot on the bench and began to tie the laces to her boot. She looked over to the other side of the room to where Pony Tsunotori was adjusting her head gear. Mina hasn't really worked with Pony much so doing this internship was a great chance to get to know her more. After she finished tying her laces, Pony skipped over with a big smile.

"You ready to go, Pony-san?" Mina beamed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Absolutely!" She replied.

The girls wandered out and met Hado and the others outside near the school gates. Tetsutetsu was working with Kiri and Amajiki while Mirio asked Kendo.

"You two ready to go?!" Nejire exclaimed.

The duo nodded and they all left the school and began to walk the streets. Kendo and Tetsutetsu were walking close to eachother and when Mina looked closer, she saw that they had their hands intertwined. While Mirio was walking with a prideful stride, Hado was almost skipping along while Amajiki shuffled between them; hood pulled over his face and wringing his hands with nerves.

"So..." Mina began, trying to make conversation with the group. "Did you guys get anything for Valentine's Day?"

"Yep!" Kirishima grinned. "Kat and I went to the movies with Tetsutetsu and Kendo for a Valentine's Day Double Date!"

"Yeah!" Tetsutetsu grinned while Kendo simply giggled.

"Todoroki and I started dating..." Deku said softly.

"I gave some chocolates to Amajiki!" Mirio grinned as he took the shy latter's hand; causing the elf boy to blush almost instantly.

"I gave some chocolates to my crush!" Pony beamed. "I hope he liked them! I wasn't sure what type of Chocolates he likes so I just got plain milk chocolate."

"I may or may not have given some white chocolate and a white rose to my crush as a Secret Admirer type thing." Hado confessed. "What about you, Mina?"

"I helped Sero crack the code of his secret admirer and got one myself." She replied.

"Really?" Deku perked up and turned towards the alien girl. "Who is Sero's secret admirer?"

"Class Rep!"

"Didn't expect Iida to swing that way, but each to their own, I guess." Kirishima shrugged.

As they continued to walk and talk, Hado walking backwards so she could talk to Mina and Pony, she accidentally crashed into a figure with white hair and silver hair. He managed to catch her and she was draped over his arms with a hot blush.

"Are you alright?" He questioned.

"Y-Yeah...!" Hado stammered as she was placed back onto her feet. "Th-Thanks, Todoroki...!"

"No problem, but please call me Natsou. Todoroki is what people call my brother and it doesn't sit quite right with me."


"It's alright. Bye Hado-chan! See you everyone!"

Natsou waved as he wandered off, leaving Hado a blushing, flustered mess.

"Nejire-chan~!? " Mina purred. "Do you like, Nastsou~?!"

"N-No...!" She stammered. She turned and walked ahead.

"How does Hado know Natsou?" Midoriya asked as he turned towards Mirio.

"We've met him before. He studies at a nearby university and he goes to the same café every morning." Mirio explained. "The same one Tamaki, Hado and I go to for breakfast, so we meet up there every day to catch up before heading back to our schools to begin our classes."

"Oh...! I take it, Hado likes Natsou then?"

"She has developed the hots for him, yes."

"I DO NOT, YOU BAKAS!" Hado cried out, still hot red and getting more flustered by the second.

The group laughed slightly at her clear embarrassment and denial.

"What about you, Pony?" Kendo asked. "You said you gave Valentine's Chocolates too?"

"Kosei Tsuburaba!" She exclaimed with a light blush. "I don't know why, but he's just so cute! He makes me so happy whenever I see him and I just love seeing his smile."

"You've really fallen head over heels for him, haven't you Pony?" Tetsutetsu questioned softly.

"I think I have... Do you know who you're secret admirer is, Mina?"

"Not yet, unfortunately. But yesterday he left me a box of chocolates, a red rose and a card with a sweet little poem...! I can't wait to figure out who it's is...!"

The small group continued to walk around and scout, when lunch rolled around, the group found a nice little outdoor café to sit and eat at. Once they ordered, a moment later, a friendly waitress with white dove wings came out with a tray with their drinks.

She placed the tray down and, with a smile, she bowed and left. The group took their drinks. Deku had gotten a mint milkshake, while both Mina and Kiri got strawberry. Pony got a caramel and Kendo got an orange soda. Tetsutetsu had gotten an iced coffee as did Mirio. Amajiki got an iced chocolate and Hado got a hot coffee. As well as that, they got a vanilla sponge cake to share.

The group started up the chatter again as the sun shine above them with its warm rays.

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