Chapter 4- Shipped Trio

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Aoyama was sitting at a seat at the dining table and watched Mina and Komori talking. The two had become quite close recently. He wasn't sure what they were up to but they were both whispering and giggling before writing down things on notebooks they had.

He was intrigued by what they were doing but then Uraraka tapped him on the shoulder.

"Psst...!" She whispered.

"Oh...! Hello Uraraka." He whispered back. "What's up?"

"Shiggy wants us to go to the base. Apparently there's something he wants us to do."

"O-oh... Alright then."

"Hawks will be outside waiting for us. He told Sensei that he wants to talk to us about something, I dunno what exactly but he said he'd some up with something."

Aoyama nodded and followed her out of the dorms. While Aoyama was forced into being a traitor for the sake of his family and in exchange for a quirk, Uraraka had fallen in love and started to date Himiko Toga. The two of them had been childhood friends for a while before Toga seemingly disappeared.

After they left the safety of the school, Aoyama and Uraraka met up with Hawks and apparently Mirko, too. Hawks explained how Mirko would be accompanying them to the league. The two traitorous students nodded and they continued on their way to the league.

Once they got there, Toga jumped into Uraraka's arms and peppered her face with kisses. Hawks went over to Dabi and slung an arm over the burnt piece of bacon. Aoyama watched as Mirko wandered over to Shiggy and gave his nose a playful flick; the Hand-villain blushed slightly with a shocked frown.

"What did you need us for, Shigaraki?" Aoyama questioned.

"No reason." He replied, trying to regain his composure. "Just wanted to check on your progress and how close you two have gotten to 1A."

"Well Deku and I have gotten closer." Uraraka replied, sitting down with Toga. "So as a result, he's been sharing his hero analysis books with me. I've tried to take pictures or take them from him but whenever I get the chance, he runs off or puts them away somewhere I can't find them."

"Alright. Keep trying." Shiggy then turned towards Aoyama as Mirko started to ruffle the his semi-curly hair. "What about you?"

"I haven't had as much luck." Aoyama confessed. "But I have talked to Midoriya. But I don't won't to hurt anyone... I don't want to hurt her..."

"Who's her?"

"..." Aoyama hesitated for a moment. If he told, then they might hurt her and get him to manipulate her. But if he did, this might be the only chance to get close to her, but it'll hurt way more when he confess his true feelings. Then again... How could someone like her love him back? He decided to just tell them. "Her name is Mina Ashido..."

"One of Bakugo's Friends?!" Uraraka exclaimed. "First of all; didn't think she was your type and second of all; Bakugo won't like that. He hates you for Fucks Sake!"

"Well then!" Dabi interrupted. "Hawks and I are gonna leave you children alone. Don't kill anyone."

Dabi and Hawks then up and left to god knows where.

"This might be a good thing." Shiggy grinned. "You get closer to Mina then you get closer to Bakugo. If we can make him vulnerable, then it'll be easier to take him down. That way All Might and the broccoli haired bitch will have to come to the Pomeranian's aid. You'll get closer to this girl. Even if it means having to play with her feelings and play with her heart. Do whatever you need to do. Do I make myself clear?"

Aoyama nodded. Shiggy then left with Toga and the rest of the league, leaving only the blonde boy, Uraraka and Mirko behind.

"If I may say something here," Mirko began. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Aoyama?"

"I never wanted to be a villain but it's the part of the agreement I have to keep in order to keep my parents safe and deserve my quirk." Aoyama replied quietly. "I don't wanna hurt or play with Mina's feelings but if that is what I have to do to stay alive then so be it."

"But..." Uraraka added. "What if she doesn't like you back?"

"Then I'll try and earn their friendship enough to stick with their squad."

Mirko and Uraraka looked at each other with concerned looks. They knew Aoyama wasn't one to tease with ones feelings but, like he said, he'd do anything to keep both him and his family safe. Uraraka and Mirko had it easy. They were both in relationships with Villains, much like Hawks, but Aoyama had more strings attached then necessary.

With a sigh, Aoyama made his way back to UA, said he'd pass on the message that Uraraka went to go visit her girlfriend, to Aizawa if he asked. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day after all, so she was probably wanting to spend time with her now.

There were gonna be a few people, if not the entire class, confessing to their crushes, playing Secret Admirer or going out on dates. Oh well... Looks like he'll be alone again, like usual. But... Maybe this would be the right time to confess his love to Mina...? I mean, his feelings for her were real but having to play with those just to get to Bakugo? And possibly All Might and Deku, made him queasy.

Shaking his head, he made a detour to the closest supermarket and went inside. They had a Valentine's Day special on for tomorrow so finding some chocolates wouldn't be that hard, right? He wasn't sure what kind of chocolates Mina liked so he went with the safest option of milk chocolate but not in the cliché heart shaped box. No. He was gonna play this safe.

Finding a card, he picked out a rose from the bouquet the store had and went to the cashier to pay. With his things in a shopping back, he slipped back into his dorm and began to write in the card....

Sorry for a late update.
I know it's Valentine's Day today but I'm hopefully gonna uploaded a late one tomorrow.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Bye and happy Valentine's Day!


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