Chapter 3- Hamanako Pal Pal

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Mina and Komori gathered together outside the dorms to discuss the plan for getting Sen Kaibara and Yosetsu Awase together. As Mina didn't know much about the two, she relied heavily on the information Komori could give her.

"So." Komori began. "Kaibara loves photography and Awase loves video games. Both like dogs and adventurous activities. So maybe something that incorporates one of those things?"

"Hmm... How about Hamanako Pal Pal?" Mina suggested. "It's like a theme park and water park in one! And Kaibara could get a lot of great shots with his camera from the rides and of Awase!"

"Come to think of it... Awase has been talking non-stop about wanting to go there with the class."

"Then That's What We'll Do! We'll book some tickets for the two of them! I think it's about a 30 minute bus ride away or something."

"Sure! But how are we gonna get them to go without them getting suspicious?"

"Don't worry about that! Actually- how about we go with them?"

"But wouldn't it ruin the whole point of a date?"

"Not if we leave them and secretly follow them...!"

"Are you sure about that, Ashido?"


"Alright then. Let's get these tickets booked!"

"I'm So Excited!" Awase exclaimed as he jumped up and down as he, Kaibara, Komori and Mina waited for the bus. "I've never been to an adventure water park before! Especially Hamanako Pal Pal!"

"You've never been to an Adventure Water Park before...?!" Mina exclaimed with curiosity.

"Nope...! My home Prefecture, Nigata, doesn't have water or adventure parks, being a factory prefecture."

"Oh wow...! Chiba has, like... Heaps!"

"Yeah... Don't remind me... When I told Tetsutetsu about it, he teased me. I am, literally, the only person in my class that has never been to a water park."


"The bus is here, guys." Kaibara said suddenly.

The four of them hopped onto the bus. Komori and Mina purposely sat next to each other as a way to force the boys to sit next the other. Mina was wearing a black bikini top, underneath a black shirt and denim shorts. Komori was wearing a red wet suit (much like Froppy's) with white polka dots.

Awase was wearing a pair of medium blue board shorts and a matching sleeveless jacket while Kaibara was wearing black board shorts and a White Ripcurl rashie. All 4 of them had beach bags with sunscreen and towels.

Once the bus got to their destination, they hopped off and Awase's eyes went wide as the sounds of splashing water, carts on rollercoasters and the joyful screams of others echoed behind the gates.

"C'mon!" Awase beamed as he raced towards the gate.

"Awase...! Wait!" Kaibara laughed as he ran after him, both Mina and Komori giggled and raced after the boys.

Once they caught up to the ever excited Awase, they found somewhere to put their things. Kaibara insisted on staying at their spot, considering he was a bit self conscious about his body; thanks to the stretchmarks his quirk caused. Mina went to persuade him to join but Komori placed a hand on her shoulder and they walked off.

"Don't worry, Ashido-san." She whispered. "We'll get our chance, trust me."

"... You're right!" Mina smiled.

"Is Kaibara gonna join us?" Awase questioned as he ran up to the girls, already drenched with water.

"Not right now." Komori replied.

"Alright. Come on! I wanna go on some of the waterslides!" He grabbed both girls hands and pulled them after him. Neither girl tried to persist.

"That Was So Much Fun!" Awase laughed as he shook his head to get some water out.

"I know, Right?!" Mina agreed with the same enthusiasm as the welder.

"We should go on some rollercoasters Next!"

"I think I need something to eat first." Komori replied.

The trio reached their spot and found Kaibara flicking through the photo reel on his fancy camera (look up a Nikon Coolpix and this is what Kaibara's camera looks like).

"Did you guys have fun?" Kaibara questioned as he looked up.

"So much fun!" Awase beamed as he picked up his blue and white marble printed towel. "Komori wants to get something to eat but I wanna go one a rollercoaster first...!"

"Hey, Here's An Idea!" Mina began, a plan forming in her head. "Why doesn't Komori get something for us all to eat, I'll stay here and guard our things while you and Kaibara go on a rollercoaster!"

"That's an excellent idea!" Komori agreed. "You haven't done anything fun since we got here, Kaibara."

"Wha-?! N-No th-thanks...!" Kaibara stuttered.

"Aw...! Come on...! Pleeeease, Kai...?!" Awase begged, only for the latter to blush and turn away.

"F-Fine...! But only One...!"

"Yes! Your the best!" Awase grabbed his wrist and dragged him off.

When Kaibara and Awase returned, both boys were blushing, laughing and... Holding Hands?!

"Komori...!" Mina squealed with a whisper. "Look...!"

"...Oh My God...!" Komori replied, matching the alien girl's tone of voice. "Yes! Operation Hamanako Pal Pal is successful!"

The girls high-fived eachother.

"So~?" Mina purred. "Did you guys have fun~?"

"Y-Yeah..." Awase stammered with a blush. He sat down on his towel and took a few chips from the bunch Komori had literally just returned with not a moment before.

"It was more enjoyable than I first thought." Kaibara admitted, taking a few chips of his own.

"OK. I ask." Mina began as she finished what was in her mouth. "Komori and I were wondering if you two are together? Because she noticed how you two were painstakingly and obliviously pinning over eachother."

The boys looked at each other.

"I guess you could say that we are now." Awase placed his hand on-top of Kaibara's.

"You're welcome...!" Mina are another chip.

"What do you mean?"

"I guess I have to confess. Komori and I planned this entire thing literally yesterday afternoon. I was sitting on the couch when Shinso thanked me for helping with the success of his and Denki's date, when Komori called."

"I asked her to help get you two together." Komori continued. "Considering you two were showing signs of feelings for eachother that you didn't seem you notice, ya oblivious idiots. So Mina planned this whole day."

"I didn't want you two to get suspicious so Komori and I 'invited' you to go with us...!"

"Oh wow..." Awase breathed. "I guess we should be thanking you properly then. If it weren't for you two, then we'd probably still be oblivious to eachother, huh?"

"Yep! But let's not worry about that. Let's just enjoy the rest of the day."

The three others nodded. Mina and her friends continued to eat their chips, but Mina's mind wandered. She was happy to see Awase and Kaibara happy together. She started to think of who else she could help, but shook the thoughts away instead. She'd just wait till one gets to oblivious of someone else's feelings or wait till someone asks for her help.

Until then? She was just going to enjoy the rest of the day at the water park.

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