Chapter 10- A Little Help

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Mina was back at school that Monday. She had run the idea by her parents and they agreed that it might be a good plan. They then proceeded to call Aizawa and the school to see if they would be OK with it given such short notice.

Mina skipped through the halls as her brother, Dexter, had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans; with a scowl plastered to his face. When Mina stopped before her classroom door, she turned towards her brother.

"Could you atleast try to look happy?" Mina asked, only for Dex to pull the most strained and fake smile ever so Mina frowned. "Come on, Dex. You've helped take care of me for years. Let me do this one thing to help you. I don't want to see you lose your way just because you think your no better than the people that have quirks."

"...Ok..." Dex sighed, taking a hand out of his pocket and placing it on his sister's candy pink locks. "I'll give this a shot."

"That's all I ask."

The sibling duo wandered into the classroom where Aizawa had just risen from his caterpillar state and standing before the class. Mina hurried in and sat in her chair behind Aoyama. She got a whiff of his cologne and felt her cheeks warm up slightly. She couldn't quite place the scent but it was wonderfully intoxicating. She shook her head and focused.

"Alright everyone." Aizawa began. "We have someone who's going to be watching the class so he's going to be working with me for a couple of days." He turned towards Dexter and the boy wandered over. "Introduce yourself."

"Hey." Dexter began. "I'm Dexter Ashido. I'm Mina's eldest brother and the oldest of all my siblings."

"Can I ask a question?" Midoriya asked as he rose his hand. Mina suddenly felt her heart rate spike. She knew what he was going to ask.

"Sure. Go ahead." Dexter replied with a shrug as he kept his hands in his jean pockets.

"What's your quirk?" Midoriya queried.

"My... My quirk...?" Dex looked towards Mina for help but just received a soft smile and nod. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm quirkless actually. While Mina was gifted with our Mama's appearance and our Mum's quirk, I inherited everything from our dad. He looks just like me and has no quirk."

"You said you were the eldest of all your siblings." Momo began. "How many other siblings do you have?"

"Three more actually. And they're triplets. There's Misaki who's can technically be described as the Male equivalent of Mina. Gou inherited our Mama's pink curly hair and mum's acid and eyes. Tyler has blonde hair and our Mama's telekinesis quirk. While Mina's 15, Misaki, Tyler and Gou are 17 and I'm 19."

"Why are you even here?" Bakugo growled. "Because I doubt Sensei would willingly take on someone as useless as you. Not to mention a quirkless extra."

"Bakugo!" Mina cried as she stood up. "He may be quirkless but that doesn't mean he's useless! He's actually quite strong and brave!"

"Just hold on, Mini Mina." Dexter replied as a smirk made its way to his lips. "If you really wanna know; I'm on Community Service by orders of the Japanese Police Department. Why? Well, let me enlighten you with just a few things; shoplifting, graffiti, traffic violations and, with the addition of a group of friends; breaking and entering and drag racing. Remember that high-speed chase through the city 2 weeks ago? Yeah. That was me."

The class was taken aback while Mina was slightly red with embarrassment but surprisingly happy to see her brother not yelling or getting angry.

"Alright, Ashido-" Aizawa began but was cut off.

"Just call me Dex." He replied. "It'll be less confusing for Mina and I prefer that instead of Dexter."

"-Alright then, Dex, please find a spot at the back or front of the class to sit."

Dex nodded and grabbed a spare chair, pulling it up next to his little sister. Aizawa, satisfied with where the boy was sitting, turned to the chalkboard and wrote along the length.

"A Hero Quick Fire Quiz." Aizawa began as he wrote each of their names. "Everytime someone gets a question right, a tally will be recorded next to their name. Whoever has the most points at the end of the lesson will have a special advantage in your next training with 1B." He turned towards the class. "1B is going through a similar process for this lesson, too. Now. Shall we begin?"


Mina was standing before her classmates with Komori by her side. She noticed the classmates of 1A quiver under the smirking gaze of their pink skinned friend. Even Bakugo seemed a little nervous; and if that doesn't explain the pure evilness radiating from the girl? You're not human.

Mina tapped her pointer finger, of her left hand, against her chin in thought. She was trying to think rational with this. One 1B student had to be paired with one 1A student. She was trying to think who would work well together, as she didn't know the full extent of their training exercise. All she knew was that they we're doing them in partners.

"Hm..." She hummed.

"Why don't I chose a 1A student and you chose a 1B student to pair up?" Komori asked.

"Good idea! Right. Let's do this!"

"First 1B student will be... Itsuka Kendo!" Mina beamed. The latter stepped forward.

"And the first student from 1A will be Izuku Midoriya!" Komori added with a similar smile to the Alien.

Midoriya stepped forward. Mina must admit, this way of picking pairs was actually a good randomiser and was going to be interesting to say the least.

"Second team will have," Mina continued. "Pony Tsunotori!"

"And Fumikage Tokoyami!"

Now that was as random as you could get. Two different personalities? One dark while the other is Light? The Sun and Moon? Heaven and Hell? Depressed and Happy? That's going to be interesting.

They continued to pair up their classmates...

Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I've just been really struggling with lack of motivation to literally do anything except, barely read, and watch TV

I hope you like this chapter and It'll continue into the next one.

I don't want to be one of those people, but I would really like it if you commented what you enjoyed, look forward to in this chapter, and possibly leave ideas for oncoming chapters...?

It'll really help.

But I hope you enjoyed nonetheless, Bye!

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