Chapter 8- Oh Brother...!

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The well went by rather slowly and throughout its course, Mina kept getting more and more strange love letters, so you must imagine her relief when the weekend eventually rolled around.

She had decided to go home for the weekend and she couldn't wait to see her family. When she stepped off the bus at the bus stop, just down the street, Mina took the quick walk to her house.

When she opened the door she was immediately pulled into a massive bear hug by a boy with curly pink hair and pale skin.


"It's nice to see you too, Gou...!" Mina squeaked. "But I can't Breathe...!"

"Sorry!" Gou let go of his little sister and ruffled her hair. He turned his head into the hallway. "Mina's Home!"

The duo wandered into the lounge room where a boy, whom technically was the Male equivalent of Mina in appearance sat; playing on the PlayStation. He turned his attention towards the duo.

"Mini Mina!" He cried as his face lit up. He paused his game and wandered over. "Nice to see you again!"

"You too, Masaki!" Mina beamed. "Where's Mum, Mama, Dad, Tyler and Dex?"

"Mum and Mama went out shopping and Dad's at work." Masaki replied. "Tyler's at the skate Park and Dex is out doing whatever the fuck he does when he leaves the house."

"Fair enough. Looks like It'll just be us three till they get home, yeah?"

The two older brothers nodded and sat on the couch, watching and criticising Masaki's horrible excuse of an attempt to win his Call Of Duty game.


After about 10 minutes, the door opened and in walked their Mum and Mama. Their mum had long blonde hair and Mina's eyes. She was wearing a navy blue and white striped T-shirt with a grey cardigan, grey jeans and black high heels. She removed her sunglasses from her face and threw her arms wide.

"Where Are My Boys?!" She stopped when she saw them but then saw her daughter. "Mina?!"

"Hi, Mum!" Mina beamed as she stood up and wandered over.

"How's my beautiful baby?!" Her mum pressed her hands against her daughter's cheeks.

"Harper, Honey." Their Mama began. "She can't reply to you if your squishing her cheeks; preventing her from speaking."

"Sorry, Sweetheart." Harper replied, removing her hands from Mina's face and clasping them together.

Their Mama had the same pink skin, yellow horns and hair as Mina and Masaki. She was wearing a purple dress with hoop earrings. Her curly hair was in a undercut.

"When's Tyler, Dex and Dad gonna get home?" Mina queried as she followed her mothers into the kitchen as they placed the shopping bags on the island bench.

"Well, I can tell you this;" Mum Harper began. "You're Dad had to do an extra shift and Tyler won't be home till lunch. Dex on the other hand, I'm not sure-"

"Oh You've Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me!" Came Gou's angry voice. "Mum! Mama! Dex has been arrested again!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Mama Ren replied angrily. "When will that boy learn?!"

The family were now in the lounge room, watching the news and looking at the pictures of Dex getting handcuffed. Mina frowned. She had come home to spend time with her mums, dad and brothers and to ask them about the Secret Admirer notes but now she has to put up with Dexter's pissy attitude and her parents' angry scolding.

"What did he do know?" Masaki asked, arms crossed.

"He-" Gou was cut off as the doorbell rang.

Mina went and opened it and saw a police officer with Dexter. Mina allowed the officer in and, once they entered the lounge room, Mum Harper approached and grabbed the tanned skinned, black haired boy, by the ear.

"You just wait till your father gets home." She hissed before letting him go and shoving him onto the couch and crossing her arms. She turned towards the officer. "Need I ask what he did?"

"Same as usual." The officer sighed. "Graffiti but o top of that; he ended up shoplifting the paint cans to do so. No charges are going to be pressed but he is going to be placed under house arrest."

Mina's gaze moved with the man's hand as he pointed down at Dexter's right ankle to show an anklette like device with a flashing red light.

"This is going to be you last warning, Dexter." The officer continued. "If we catch you again then you won't be placed on house arrest, but we might need to take you to court. So watch yourself young man."

"Thank you officer." Mama Ren replied with a slight bow. She then waved the officer off as he left the house.

"So this is what I'm welcomed with when I see my older brother is it?" Mina grumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest. "A normal brother would say hello but Noooo! I get my brother dragged in by the ear, after being escorted by a police officer because my brother went of an did some illegal crap!"

"Well a normal brother would have a fucking quirk, wouldn't he Mina?" Dexter growled back.

While Mina and Madaki shared quirks and appearance, Gou simply had their Mum Harper's acidic quirk. Their Mama's quirk made her look alien with her pink hair and skin and horns but she also had telekinesis; in which Tyler inherited. Their father was quirkless and Dexter unfortunately inherited that gene.

"It doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not!" Mina continued stomping and craning her neck to look at her brother. "You still shouldn't be doing this shit!"

"I will do whatever the fuck I want to, you got that?!" Dexter snapped, glaring down at his sister.

"Dexter." Mama Ren cried sternly. "To your room. We will talk to you later."

Dexter simply frowned and stormed up the stairs; slamming the door behind him as he locked himself into his room.

"You OK, Squirt?" Gou questioned as he placed a hand on his baby sister's shoulder.

"Yeah... Now let's kick Masaki's Ass in Mario Kart!"

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