Chapter 16- Start of Something New

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Mina was just heading to her room, after a long day, when Aoyama wandered up to her. Mina immediately beamed and flashed him a bright smile.

"Hello, mon ange!" Aoyama smiled.

"Hello, Yuga!" Mina beamed. "What's up?"

"I wanted to take you somewhere."

"Oh! Alright! Let's go!"

Mina followed the blond out of the school building and off the school grounds. They hurried down the streets until they eventually made it to an abandoned building.

"Please do not me alarmed." Yuga said as he took her hand and pushed open the door. "I just figure, you should know who I'm working with."

"Oh! " Mina gasped. "I figured it was people like Dabi, Shiggy, Toga, Twice and the other league members...!"

"Yes. But there are others. Others like you and me. Some who have joined out of love and some who have joined outta the pure hate towards the hero society."

They entered a room that was filled with the LOV members. Mina panicked and gripped Yuga's upper arm. Shigaraki sat up and smiled menacingly at the alien.

"Well, well, well!" Shiggy rasped. "Didn't think it would lead to this, Glitterati."

"Glitterati?" Mina asked with slight fear.

"My villain name." Yuga replied. He turned to Shiggy. "She doesn't care about me being a villain."

"He's right! My older brother has gone through some bad times and besides, no one was there to help him when he really needed it and if my boyfriend is a villain then... Then... Then I'll Become A Traitor TOO!"

"Wonderful!" Came a new voice. "Now I have another friend at UA!"

The figure revealed themself and Mina was left with her mouth agap.

"U-Uraraka...?!" Mina gasped as she became more confident.

"Yep! But I'm not the only one...!" The latter smiled just as Mirko and Hawks emerged from the dark.

"Mirko and Hawks too?!"

"Exciting isn't it?!" Toga squealed as she gripped Uraraka's hand.

"B-But- why?! How?!"

"The hero society is flawed. I was only in it for the money." Uraraka confessed with slight venom. "But when the league offered me more than what the hero society could only dream, how could I say no? And besides, I got the best fucking girlfriend out of it to!"

"Originally a spy for the Hero commision." Hawks shrugged. "But after finding out my old childhood friend and crush was none other than Mr. Burnt Bacon, I decided to double cross; give the villains the information of the villains and false info to the heroes!"

"And I just so happened to be dragged here one day and ended up falling for Mr. Crust Man." Mirko smiled as she learnt over Shiggy and placed her hands over his shoulders and chin on his head. "Never really liked the Hero commision anyways. They're such sexists. Some of the men, and women, anyways."

"So... If you guys are villains, do you have villain names?"

"I kept the Name Hawks."

"Mirko is my Hero Persona but in the league I'm know as Jack Rabbit."

"What about you, Uraraka?" Mina continued as she turned to her friend.

"Uravity is OK, but I'm thinking about a new Villain name." The latter replied.

"So, if she's joining, does she need a new Villain name? Of Course She Does!" Twice began.

"Oo~!" Toga beamed. "This is so sudden but what where you thinking?!"

"Well... I dunno..."

"What about; Alien Queen?" Yuga suggested. "Midnight didn't like it for a hero name, so why not a villain one?"

"Yes!" Uraraka piped up. "Besides you should've seen the fear and distaste on her face when you first suggested it! It's perfect!"

"Oh," Dabi began. "We forgot to introduce one more person."

Dabi moved and from the dark shadows of the league emerged a figure that was all to familiar to Mina that it was no surprise they cause dher to gasp outta suprise. There, standing before her, in all his glory with a powerful stance, was someone she's known her entire life.

"Dexter...?!" Mina breathed.

"I guess Villainy runs in the family, hey, little sis? And it's Destro now." He smirked.

"B-But...! You-! How-?!"

"Long story short? On one of my 'criminal acts' Dabi found me and brought me here, introduce me to the league. To be honest? I didn't actually know Aoyama was on the phone to Shiggy that day. But Handy Man told me that Glitter Farts here would bail, so I had to intervene to make sure the plan went as, well? Planned. And looks like it worked."

"So... All this time, you were a villain...?!"


"And... And You Never Fucking Told Me?!"

"It was the only way to keep my identity hidden incase you didn't agree to go out with Aoyama or don't have the same feelings or shit."

"... Fair enough. So I'm like a traitor now... Heh... I like that. So I get to work with some of the most infamous villains, two ex-heroes, two other traitors and I can destroy the Heroes from the inside out? Cool."

"And a bonus is that you're already close to Bakugo so you can fullfil our plan of getting close to All Might and Deku." Hawks replied.

"Consider that done." Mina smiled, devilishly. "Just tell me what I need to do."

So now Mina was a part of the League of Villains. Who knew her life would go this way. She's got a sneaky ass brother, the perfect boyfriend, allies and she gets to work with 'heroes' too?!

Fucking amazing. These guys will never be known as heroes anymore. No. From now on, they will only know of Glitterati, Uravity, Hawks, Jack Rabbit, Destro and Alien Queen.

The spies.

The Traitors.

The villains.

The one thing that could bring down the hero society and school. One thing if for certain, the heroes would never see this coming. They would never know that so many of their trusted allies were behind the most dangerous attacks and schemes.

With Mina now being a villain and dating a, used to be, traitor, it was confirmed.

Mina and Aoyama had truely Rewritten the Stars...

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