Chapter 5

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"So why was you with the O'Driscoll's?"
Kieran questioned.

"It was that or get killed and it probably wouldn't be in the nicest way"
I admitted.

"Oh well same here although you seem far too vengeful for that to be all there is too it"
Kieran stated.

"I tried to leave eventually, I met some people who was nice to me so in my spare time I'd help them often and grew to care for them, Colm found out and well killed them all, eventually Colm's brother got killed by Dutch and er I betrayed Colm for Dutch and got shot by Colm himself in the process but here I am"
I explained.

"I'm surprised she told y' that Kieran"
Karen shrugged.

I watched as she walked past.

"Kieran what's your story? I told you mine so it's only fair"
I demanded.

"Well my parents died when I was young, I then worked in some stables and later joined the Army but that didn't work out very well, after that it was a group of outlaws but the O'Driscoll's killed them and it was either join or die"
Kieran informed.

I looked down guiltily.

I had treated him very unfairly.

"I was just a stable boy with the O'Driscoll's, much like I am here"
Kieran added.

It seemed I was much worse than him.

"Thank you for the uh saddle, I'm sorry Kieran for everything"
I nodded.

I took my leave after that and didn't wait for a response.

I saw Mary Beth and Karen sat at the camp and decided to sit by them.

Arthur was sat nearby too.

"You look troubled, I don't like seeing you looking like that"
Karen stated.

"I think I've made a mistake"
I admitted.

"I told you he was nice really"
Mary Beth stated.

"I know and you was right, I just feel bad that's all"
I shrugged.

"It wouldn't kill you to say sorry"
Arthur retorted.

"This is Agnes when has she ever apologized? No offense"
Karen questioned.

"None taken"
I chuckled.

"I think Agnes would have to be madly in love with someone if she was to apologize to them"
Mary Beth smirked.

"What? That's bullshit"
I huffed.

I apologized to Kieran and I certainly wasn't madly in love with him.

I still didn't like him, he'd done nothing to make me like him, just stuff to make me no longer hate him.

"Getting quite defensive there"
Karen smirked.

"She must've apologized to Kieran"
Karen added.

"Perhaps I did and it certainly doesn't mean I'm madly in love with him"
I scoffed.

O'Driscoll (Kieran Duffy X Fem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now