Chapter 7

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"The truth is Sean I don't remember it"
I whispered.

"Neither does he"
I added.

Sean let out a laugh.

"Shut up, I think his ignoring me too"
I admitted.

"Should I head butt him again?"
Sean asked.

"No don't do that"
I scoffed.

Kieran was walking around not too far away.

He clearly didn't hear anything.

"Your never going to get a girlfriend O'Driscoll"
Sean yelled.

Of course he didn't keep his mouth shut.

"Erm ok"
Kieran stated.

Kieran looked confused.

I walked away from the awkward situation.

I think Sean just likes to piss people off.

Kieran seemed to be his current victim.

I sat next to Karen as I did some chores, she was good company as usual.

"Y' know you act hard but your a shy little Mouse when it comes to admitting to romantic feelings"
Karen informed.

Did she just call me a Mouse?

"Like you can lecture me about that"
I scoffed.

"Besides a Mouse? Really?"
I huffed.

"Yes Mice run away from things there afraid of, you do that with your feelings"
Karen sighed.

I remained silent.

"What was your life like before the gang?"
Karen asked.

I forget she didn't know, I was here before her and the only people that knew was Dutch, Hosea, Miss Grimshaw, Arthur and John because they was here before me.

Mary Beth knew too because I told her, after all she was my closest friend here.

Kieran as well and I don't know how he found out.

"It was shit"
I deadpanned.

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear"
Karen nodded.

I got up and headed towards Bella.

Kieran was already near her.

I noticed he stared at me and walked away.

I felt annoyed by the thought.

I did nothing wrong.

I mean neither of us could remember anything.

"Seriously? Your ignoring me"
I glared.

"Your a scary lady, I'd probably avoid every encounter we have"
Kieran stated.

"Well then next time you need a bath I won't tell you because clearly your not capable of having one on your own"
I hissed.

"Wait Miss I didn't mean no offense, I was ju-"
Kieran started.

"I don't care"
I scoffed.

"I don't understand you"
Kieran admitted.

O'Driscoll (Kieran Duffy X Fem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now