Chapter 18 Harlow

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The next morning I was surprised to find the brothers waiting for me outside the bedroom. We all walked down to breakfast together like it was the most normal thing in the world. I had to say, my attitude had much improved after my sleepover with the girls. I decided to give them a fair chance and found that we all got along really well.

I was actually looking forward to touring the grounds with them today, that is, if the mighty three actually kept their word and let me go. I still had my doubts.

We ate breakfast and then it was the moment of truth. Turns out I had nothing to worry about because Annie and the girls weren't taking no for an answer.

It was decided that Annie, Kori, Nova, Matti, Callie, and Wayon would accompany me on the tour while Ambrose, Cambridge, Godric, Gabriel, and Griffin were heading off to their offices to get some work done.

The brothers walked me to the front door and I could tell that they were trying hard not to seem too skeptical or hesitant about letting me out of the house.

"You remember where our offices are?" Griffin asked and I nodded,

"I remember."

"You can come find us anytime and, if you need anything, just have Waylon mindlink us." He said, seeming to be panicking but only slightly.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." I said with a small smile, trying to sound convincing, "Worried I'm going to run away?" I was only half joking, but it was a pretty poor attempt at trying to lighten the mood.

"No, not at all." Gabriel jumped in with an almost threatening tone, "The packgrounds are well guarded."

I narrowed her eyes on him, taking some offense to that comment even though I knew it was well warranted. Gabriel was definitely the most skeptical of the three and I could tell he would be the hardest to fool if I was going to make another run for it.

Wait, when did it become if?

Griffin nudged him in the ribs with a bruising force but Gabriel didn't even seem to notice, his eyes were trained on me.

"I'm sure we have nothing to worry about." Godric said, shooting a glare towards Gabriel that clearly said shut up.

"Alright, enough you three." Nova rolled her eyes at her brothers and looped her arm with mine, pulling me away from them and out the front door.

I had to admit, the girls were actually very kind and easy to get along with. Nova was a wildcard, Matti was super opinionated and loud, Annie was as crazy as her hair color suggested, Callie oozed confidence, and Kori was like a tiny little mouse. Waylon followed behind so silently it was like he wasn't even there.

We walked down the stone roads which weaved throughout the territory. There were small houses, cottages, and cabins littered all over the place; some were hidden in the treeline, others were out in the open, and they varied in style. In the center of the territory, not too far from the packhouse, was the hub of the pack, or at least, that's what the girls all said. There was a hospital, school house, and a large community center.

"Do you want to go into the CC and meet some of the pack members?" Annie asked me, but I got the feeling that it wasn't really a question.

"Oh, I don't..." I started to argue but it fell on deaf ears.

Annie and Kori linked their arms with mine while Matti gently pushed me from behind, forcing me up the steps.

The community center, or the CC as the girls kept calling it, was bustling with activity. There were people all over the place, some sort of action movie playing in the living room, and I could hear laughter coming from somewhere downstairs. There was a strong aroma coming from the front of the house that pulled us in. Inside the large dining room, lunch was in full swing.

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