Chapter 44 Griffin

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I arrived at the pack shortly after Gabriel mindlinked me telling me about another breach. I jumped into action with the rest of my team. It wasn't long before a blinding pain gripped at my heart. Frost started whimpering, becoming distracted and nearly took a hit from one of the rogues. Callie defended me easily and I ran blindly, trying to find Gabriel.

"Alphas! Someone took the Luna!" Annie frantically mindlinked me.

I ran into Lewy then, who looked like he was in as much pain as me. Before I could reply to Annie or say something to Gabriel, an ear splitting scream rattled the packgrounds. Everyone froze, knowing exactly who that scream belonged to.

"Harlow!" Gabriel snarled.

Lewy threw back his head and howled, and Frost copied his actions before we both took off running in the direction of the scream. We were too late. Our mate was gone and all that lingered was her scent surrounded by the foul stench of rogues.

"We need to get her back!" Lewy snarled at me when we realized Harlow was gone.

"We need to regroup and get trackers on her scent. When we find out where they took her, we need an entire army ready to mobilize. This ends now." Frost snarled dangerously. Lewy howled in agreement and we ran back towards the packhouse.

Fueled by the rage of knowing that their Luna was taken, the rest of the pack handled the remaining rogues within minutes. Brett, Catie, Grant, Zinn, and Sylvia of the Luna's guard were the pack's best trackers. Luckily, they were all healed enough at this point to head back to the location we last sensed our mate and follow her scent. Williams and Henry of the guard were killed defending their Luna, along with fourteen other members of our pack. When Waylon woke up in hospital, he was enraged to learn that his Luna was missing.

"What are we doing about this?" Waylon growled as he stormed my office.

"We're waiting for the trackers to return along with Godric and his team. They should be back any minute." I said,

"You're waiting?" Waylon didn't like that answer.

"The pack is recovering. Once the trackers return, we'll assemble every able-bodied warrior and create two groups; one will come with us to find the Luna." Gabriel said, glaring at Waylon. We were both pissed and on edge, and neither of us was in the mood to deal with someone questioning our decisions.

Waylon grumbled and left the office, probably afraid that he would say something he'd regret.

I felt a sharp blow to my face and doubled over in pain. I glanced over at Gabriel to see him holding his cheek, his eyes dangerously black. He flipped his desk over in a single motion, growling as it shattered into several pieces.

"Someone is touching our mate!" Lewy and Gabriel growled together. Frost was digging inside my head, trying to be let out.

"And that someone will die." I said in a scary calm voice. I imagined all of the things I was going to do to the person who took my mate and it momentarily soothed Frost's bloodlust.

"Let's go before I destroy the rest of this room." Gabriel grumbled.

He literally walked right through the office door. It was ripped from its hinges and crumbled to the floor. I sighed and stepped over the wooden debris, following Gabriel out of the packhouse.

Before we could make it to the front door, a little voice cried out. We turned towards the door to the staircase next to the elevator and saw Maggie running from it. Tulley was chasing after her.

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