Chapter 21 Griffin

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I was shocked at how long Ric stayed upstairs with Harlow. He didn't come back down until dinner time, declaring that we had the best mate in the world and that he was now the favorite. He had the kitchen staff take Harlow up some dinner, since she was feeling tired from the long day and didn't want to come down. She requested to be left alone for the rest of the night and we obliged, besides leaving Waylon outside her door and the guards outside her window, of course.

It was now the next morning and I was claiming Harlow for myself today. Godric was immediately put in a bad mood at this idea and stomped off, locking himself in his office. Gabriel didn't seem super affected by it, but I'm pretty sure that was just because he was afraid to be alone with her.

"Annie, how's Harlow this morning?" I asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Good! Amanda made us all breakfast and I'm taking it up to her." Annie smiled.

"She doesn't have to eat up there. She can come down here." I said, sounding disappointed. Annie winked at me,

"I know. I went up to see if she needed any help and she requested that we all take breakfast in her room. Don't worry, you'll get her soon, Alpha." Annie laughed at my expression before taking the breakfast cart and pushing it towards the elevator.

I struggled to stay in my seat and keep from following after her. I ate my breakfast painfully slow, knowing that as soon as I was finished there would be nothing keeping me down here. Once I was done, I stopped off at my office to make sure there was nothing that needed my attention. I couldn't resist any longer, so I took the elevator up to our floor and hesitantly stepped into the opening living room. Waylon was sitting out there and the door to the Alpha wing was wide open.

"The girls are all in there." Waylon nodded towards the door with an irritated expression. Something told me there was a lot of girl chatter going on, something Waylon wasn't very patient with.

I walked over to the door and knocked, even though it was open. The girls went silent and all their eyes shot towards me. I suddenly felt like a deer in the headlights. Instantly, I found Harlow's eyes and locked on to her gaze.

"Just the Alpha we wanted to see." Kori grinned, moving away from the group. Upon hearing his mate's voice, Waylon was immediately in the room, standing beside her.

"What do you want?" I sighed, but I was grinning playfully.

"We want to take Harlie shopping later today, out in the real world mall. She needs some more clothes." Kori said in her most innocent voice.

"We'll all go with her, even Callie and Waylon." Matii jumped in.

"You'll be taking more than just Callie and Waylon with you if you're planning on leaving the grounds." I said in a warning tone.

"Whoever you want!" Matti nodded.

"Is this what you want, Harlow?" I asked, my eyes never leaving my mate's face as I moved across the room.

The girls parted like the red sea, giving me a clear path to my mate. She stayed rooted in place, her eyes trained on me. I reached out and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to my chest. I was shocked when she didn't fight it. Her arms remained pinned at her side and her expression unchanging, but she didn't pull away, and that was a win for me.

"Is this what you want, angel?" I said in a deeper, quieter voice, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and cupping her face.

"Yes." She croaked out. I smirked at what I was doing to her and loved the beautiful blush that spread across her face.

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