After that bloody encounter...

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Blood splattered across his face, and he turned around and looked me in the eyes. His gold eyes were no longer gleaming, they darkened to the point that they looked black. 

Struck by fear I immediately dashed towards the exit. As I ran past the palace doors, the guards stationed there looked bewildered probably thinking why would a young girl like myself would run out in the middle of the ball. I ran as fast as my feet could take me, and the shoes I wore started to become uncomfortable. I went to the forest, past the trees, and then I stopped when I saw her.

A tall woman stood, she wore a black cap with red roses. Over her face was a netted veil. Her grey hair shone like silver in the moonlight.

"Is the job done?" she asked, her voice hushed.

Unable to speak, I nod.

A small smile crept up her lips. When I finally found my voice,

"But it wasn't me," The smile instantly disappeared.


"It was the crown prince, Kieran"

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