I go "borrow" some horses...

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I quickly wiped down their tears and said, "Look here, we are going to have to run okay? I know you guys are tired but just hold on, for a little while"

The twins quietly nod. I look at the group of soldiers searching through the crowd one last time and I hold the twin's hand and I run.

We run through the market, knocking over a few stalls. Every time we knock over something, Kieran apologizes politely.

We ran as much as we could until a point where the soldiers almost reached us and Elias was getting tired. Kieran noticed this and asked,

"Maybe I should carry him?"

"Are you sure your princely arms that have never carried anything can carry a seven-year-old child?" I mocked, glancing around frantically searching for something that might help us.

"I think you have a very bad perception of princes," he said reaching out to lift Elias.

"Stop," I said, as locked my eyes on something. I dashed out to a stable. The person who was looking after it apparently fell asleep on the job.

I went inside the stable and at the very end I saw two horses, a black mare and a brown stallion. Their saddles and reins had already been put on them, so I grabbed them. The two horses did not seem to be bothered that they were being stolen, much instead they actually looked quite happy.

I reached the place where the rest of them were and I saw Kieran talking with the twins when he saw me with the horses his face displayed pure shock.

"Did you steal them?" he asked, his mouth hanging open.

"Yes, now lets-"

"STOP, STOP RIGHT THERE," a booming voice shouted from behind. 

It was a soldier, probably the lieutenant of the palace guards. He and three other soldiers surrounded us. There was no way we could escape without being caught. 

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