The Ballroom where everything went wrong...

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Royal balls signify elegance and the financial power of the royal family. My silver gown slowly swept the floor as I scanned the room for my target.

It was my first-ever official mission from the Obscures.

The Obscures was the dark guild that did assassination jobs. If you wanted someone dead, he is dead as soon as you place the order. It is as easy as ordering from a restaurant. 

Until now everything I had ever done in that dark guild was serving beer, even though I was the daughter of the last guild master. Still, that lineage was the reason I got this important mission even though it was my first. 

Just because I hadn't gone on any official missions, I am still on of the strongest people in that guild. Being the daughter of a national criminal means I have got great genes.

I walked gracefully around the place, trying not to look suspicious. Then suddenly the noise of the ballroom came to silence just as I turned towards the ivory balcony of the ballroom. The king and his wife stood, looking over the crowd. But they weren't the reason for the silence.

"Entering, the Crown Prince of Asteria, the Rising Sun of the Empire. Prince Kieran Devon Reginald Asterius"

A young man, almost the same age as me walking down the stairs. He has the royal family's distinctive dark black hair and golden eyes. His smile was equally as bright as his eyes. He was dressed in black and gold, looking so handsome that the girls in front of me fainted. I did not see what made girls faint for him. Yes, he was a bit handsome, and his hair looked soft and tousled which looked cute and his smile...

Stop, what are you doing Lilith?

As he looked around his eyes fell on me. I quickly averted my gaze and tried to focus on something else. I went to the refreshment stand and picked up a glass of violet liquid. I brought the glass to my lips, tasting it while being cautious. The drink was fizzy on my tongue as if small fireworks were in my mouth. After the fizziness wore off, it tasted sweet with a tangy aftertaste.

"How is it?" said a haughty voice from behind me. I turned to the prince from before. He looked even more self-absorbed from up close. He came close to me while keeping his eyes on mine. I held my breath wondering what he was doing when his hands reached behind me and took a glass of the same violet juice. Without taking his eyes off mine, he took a long sip of the drink.

I had always been fond of jewels. Gold and precious stoned excite me. Living in a dark guild all my life, I have seen so much stolen gold being brought into the guild, but the prince's eyes were the most beautiful gold I had ever seen.

"So," he said, taking my hands into his, "It is a pleasure meeting you, Lady-" he looked at my face, expecting an answer.

"Lilith," I say, still looking into his eyes.

"Lady Lilith," he says smiling as he takes my hand close to his mouth. I quickly take my hand off startling him. I am sure he isn't used to girls avoiding his charms. He quickly regained his composure and stood a little straight still smiling.

"If you are without a partner, may I ask you for a dance," he says "I don't ask this of anyone" he adds.

Sure you don't, princey

I had already refused him once, If I did it again I would seem suspicious. As much as I'd hate to dance with this fool of a prince, it would help me get closer to the person I am supposed to assassinate.

I gave him a curt nod. He took my hands in his yet again and dragged me towards the centre of the ballroom. He gave the music conductor a small wave with his hand and the music started playing. I wasn't able to identify what it was so I just went along with him. I tried to ignore the stares we received. We circled each other, our gaze remained locked. He placed his hand on my back, and my hand on his shoulder and our other hands finally met. Together, we danced to the music, our feet in perfect sync with the beating of my heart. As the song progressed I felt relaxed and allowed a small smile to form on my lips. I looked up to his shining eyes, filled with mischief. As we twirled round and round, my silver dress swept the floor. I almost forgot why I was here for. I was completely drowned in the music and the way he led me. After a while that felt like hours, the music came to a quiet closure. That's when I realised I had been enjoying myself without doing what I was supposed to do. I took his hands away from me.

"Well, it looked like you enjoyed yourself," he said his eyes laughing.

"I did. Thank you" and I turned and walked away from him. After walking a few steps I looked back if he was following me but he was gone.

The king, I realized. I looked around and around but I could not find him anywhere. Then I noticed the second prince who had blonde hair similar to the queen. He was walking towards the corridor of the palace. I decided to follow him. For a young boy, he was quite fast. I tried to keep up with him as noiseless as possible, but after some time I lost him. I wandered around for a bit when I heard the king's voice.

"Kieran, my son. Whatever are you doing? Put that sword down now"

I heard some scuffling and then silence. I peeped to see what was happening. The prince, the same prince I danced with, the same person who help my hand was holding a gold-rimmed sword that pierced the king's abdomen. The king doubled over as he pulled off the sword, staining himself with blood.

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