Going headfirst into chillies is not a good experience...

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One of the soldiers reached to get the horses when I quickly grabbed a knife from a lady cutting apples and started to get the soldiers away from the horses.

There were only four of them. I have handled more back at our guild. I didn't become the guild leader just by looking pretty, no, this pretty face has skill. But there is only so much you can do while fending off four trained soldiers carrying swords, with a knife that was used to cut apples.

I mostly dodged the attacks as I realized I wouldn't be able to hold off much longer. I looked behind me and saw that while I keeping the soldiers busy, the prince had managed to get the horses and began saddling the twins onto the horses. He turned back and looked at me.

'Run' I mouthed to him. His eyes widened at my response.

'I'll follow you,' I added. This moron must have thought I am sacrificing myself for him.

He nodded and climbed on the horse holding Elias. He pulled the reins from the other horse holding Elena and he quietly fled the scene.

I marched confidently towards the group of soldiers, my tiny knife glinting in the sunlight. The soldiers looked at me with amusement, barely concealing their laughter.

"What do you think you're going to do with that little thing?" one of them chortled.

I simply grinned and launched myself at them. Startled, the soldiers swung their swords clumsily, barely missing me as I darted around them.

I struck at them with my tiny knife, weaving in and out of their reach. They stumbled over each other, their heavy swords slowing them down.

One of the soldiers tripped and fell, knocking over another and causing a chain reaction. The others fell like dominoes, their swords clattering to the ground as they went down.

I stood there for a moment, looking down at the tangled mess of bodies and weapons at my feet. I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement.

The soldiers looked up at me, humiliated and embarrassed. They slowly picked themselves up. They weren't going to let this little girl upstage them.

They all got up, grabbed their swords tighter, and started surrounding me. If they all started attacking me with this much determination, then I am dead, I thought to myself.

A loud sound disrupted my thoughts. I looked to see two soldiers on the ground, one on top of the other as if they had been knocked down from behind.

The person who had done that was Prince Moron. Standing behind the soldiers, he picked up the swords belonging to one of the soldiers that had been knocked and came and stood by my side, I was speechless, but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to give him a piece of my mind.

"What in the world as you doing here?" I hissed at him.

"Aren't you supposed to thank me, most princes don't come back to help assassins," he replied. He paused, then added "The twins are safe, I left them with a nice old lady"

"You left them with a complete stranger?" I glared at him. We stood back to back, our weapons at the ready. The two soldiers, their own swords were drawn and at the ready.

"The old lady knew them," he said as the soldiers circled them, their eyes narrowed in determination.

The soldiers lunged forward, their swords flashing in the sunlight. The prince parried their blows with ease, his sword ringing out as it struck against theirs. I was surprised, I did not think this prince could fight. His moves were sophisticated, each move clean and calculated.

He must have studied sword-fighting as a prince, I thought to myself

"And you believed her?

I darted in between the soldiers, my knife glinting in the sun as I sliced at their legs.

The soldiers were surprised by the quick movements, and they stumbled backwards, momentarily disoriented.

The prince took advantage of their distraction and lunged forward, his sword flashing in the air as he struck one of the soldiers.

The soldier grunted in pain, his sword clattering to the ground as he stumbled backwards.

"The twins knew her too,"

The other soldier, enraged by his comrade's injury, charged at the boy, his sword held high.

The prince was ready, though. He sidestepped the attack, his sword slicing through the air as he aimed for the soldier's side. But unfortunately, the soldier managed to dodge the blow.

"We have to put an end to this," I said as I looked around. At a distance, I spotted a vendor selling chillies. I turned to face the prince when I saw the prince was looking there himself.

"Looks like we think alike," he said, grinning at me.

Laughing to myself, we ran off. Following us were the soldiers. When we reached the chillies, we stopped until the soldiers caught up. They saw that we had stopped and ran at us, swords at the ready. Just as they neared us we shifted sideways.

The soldiers did not realize and fell head first into the chillies.

Both of us burst into laughter as the vendor started shouting at the soldiers. When the two soldiers got up, their eyes were red and watering. Before they could notice us, we both fled from the scene laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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