I have always wanted to die with my head chopped off, just kidding...

10 1 2

Oh good, I am going to die and the last face I see is his.

I closed my eyes and awaited the blade when I smelled something familiar. A dusty smell went up my nose.

Smoke screen

I opened my eyes to see grey smoke enveloping me. The people were in panic and the advisor tried hard to keep things under control. That was when I felt someone unlock the steps of the guillotine and grab me. I tried struggling but they were of no use. They were strong hands, callused. Someone who had practised sword-fighting a lot. When we had gone out of the smoke screen, I finally saw who was my rescuer.

"Kieran," I said, "What are you doing?" I pulled my hands from him.

"Saving you, what you should be saying is- Thank You", he looks at me expectantly.

"No, why'd you save me? You should have let me die" I shout at him


"I do not want to live knowing that my guild members are dead" I break down into tears that I had been holding up until now. It must have been the smoke that triggered it or the fact I am not dead anymore.

"He killed them, Kieran, what do I do? They were my only family, the only people who cared for me. Why do I have to live in a world where there is no one for me" I sob uncontrollably. I don't know why I am breaking down in front of him.

"I am there for you,"

"What?" I say, looking up.

"Well, I mean. I think I know who is responsible for your guild's death and I think that this has something to do with the murder of my father,"

He is still saying he did not kill him?

"Aren't you the one who killed him?" I say, wiping my tears.

"No, No, No. Why don't you believe me, why would I kill my own father?" He shouts at me.

"For getting the throne, of course," I say

"I was the Crown Prince, I already had the throne in my hands"

Right, that was true. Why would he, the crown prince need to kill his father if he was going to get the throne anyways? After Kieranrealised the silence behind my voice, he said

"The person who killed my father and is responsible for your guild's death is my brother"

"Your brother? Prince Caspian?" I say, shocked. Prince Caspian was the second-born son of the king. He was said to be frail and sick until he took up the throne after the death of the King. He still hasn't been announced as King, because he needs to gain approval from the Chiefs of the other states of Asteria since he wasn't declared as the Crown Prince.

I can see why the Prince would kill the King for the throne, but what I fail to is how that is related to the destruction of my guild.

As if he read my mind, Kieran says,

"The advisor, the one who came and announce the death of your guild members. I thought I had seen him before, but now I am sure. He is Caspian's knight,"

"But I still don't understand why he wants to kill me and the others," I argue.

"Last I heard from the other prisoners, my brother had failed to acquire the support of the Chiefs through peace-talking. I suppose he is trying to get their support by threatening them. I am also sure the person who killed Prince Arden is also someone under Caspian" he says gravely.

Just as I was going to reply to him, two small figures run up to me and hugs my waist. Surprised I pulled them to see two identical twin children with light-blonde hair.

"Elena, Elias. It's you guys. What are you...how are you-" I couldn't find any words. My emotions were a mixture of surprise, disbelief, happiness and shock. I quickly pull them towards me and hug them tight.

They are alive, if they are alive then the others may be too.

"Sister, sister. The guild, mother, father. They all burnt it down" They say, breaking down in tears.

My hopes immediately shattered.

"Me and Elias we playing hide and seek and when we returned-" Elena started sobbing. They were just seven years old, not yet fully part of the guild. Kids like them shouldn't have seen the stuff they saw. Kieran understood and gave us some space.

I hugged them as they cried. I couldn't do anything else. Suddenly, Kieran returned, running. I could see the panic on his face.

They found us.

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