One Year Later...

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A year had passed. I had become stronger and more powerful. Under the guidance of Lady Amber, I outmatched all the assassins in Obsurus. A month after that Lady Amber passed away leaving the assassin guild under my hands. I sat on the leader's seat as the youngest head of the Obsurus.

After the untimely death of the king, Second Prince Caspian took up the throne. No one knew what had happened to Prince Kieran. They say he disappeared after the night of the ball.

I was very confused, I had thought Kieran had killed the king so that he could take the throne, but now he is nowhere to be found. The reports say that the king had died of a heart attack, but I knew the real story. After the coronation of Prince Caspian, I and the rest of the guild fled to the Southern Kingdom. Lady Amber's nephew was the Prince so we did not face any difficulties.

To make sure we weren't found out, the Prince pulled some strings to make me the Duchess of a small territory. With this, I was able to get access to the royal archives. Our guilds did odd jobs around the place, killing mafia leaders and such.

A year and a half went by in peace. The King, Queen and the little princess of the Southern Kingdom travelled to the neighbouring kingdom to meet the Queen's relatives. Prince Arden was in charge of the kingdom until then. I aided him in his work.

One night, after I finished up with work and was about to return home a maid came to me and said that the Prince was calling for me. I went up to his office. When I opened the door, a gruesome sight beheld me. Sprawled across the floor was Arden, blood pooling on his sides as a single dagger stabbed over his chest.

I immediately rushed towards him.

"Arden, Prince Arden, please wake up" I wasn't able to feel his breath. I pulled the dagger out and tried to block the blood from flowing out of him.

Someone had murdered him

Just then the door behind me opened. I turned back to see Arden's advisor, whatever his name was, coming in with a lot of soldiers. As soon as he saw me, he declared.

"You, you murdered the crown prince. How could you, the prince held so much respect for you" he said in his raspy voice.

"I-" he cut me off before I could speak.

"You, Duchess Lilith Adorna, hereby arrested for the murder of a member of the royal family. Guards seize her" he said pointing towards me. 

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