An Unexpected (and unwanted) Reunion...

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The guards immediately held me by my arm and pulled me up. I was dragged through the palace hallways when I saw Joy. Joy was my lieutenant at the Obscures, when she saw me her eyes widened. She marched towards us ready to attack but I subtly shook my head. I cannot risk them getting caught too. No one except the Prince knew about the guild.

They took me all the way to the dungeon.

I could smell the stench before I even entered the room. The two guards holding me took me to the last holding cell.

It was a small room, with a bed that was too small for me. The cemented floor had a lot of nail scratches that made me think that the last person who was in there did not have a pleasant time.

They threw me inside and locked the cell and then walked away. Their clanking footsteps slowly receded as I sat on the top of the bed. That is when I heard his familiar voice.

"I never thought we would both be in the dungeons together."

It took me a moment to register what I saw.

"You" I sneered. "What in the seven worlds are you doing here?"

"I got caught for thievery," he said, still smirking. "I know, the Crown Prince, getting caught for robbery. You can laugh, go on.."

"The murderer of the king, caught for thievery? How comical." I laughed without humour in my voice.

"Which king?" he said, the smile dimming from his face.

"Your own father, of course, look at you, pretending you don't remember. Ha!,"

"I did not kill him, I heard he died of a heart attack"

"Still keeping up with the facade?"

"No seriously, what makes you think I was the one who killed my father, huh?"

"I saw you with my own eyes, you cold-blooded killer"

"I swear on my mother, I did not kill him," he says without a once of hesitation.

Is he saying that I'm wrong? I am sure I saw it, that scene is something that has been imprinted on my head.

"I don't believe you," I said, turning away from him.

"It wasn't me, I swear," then he also turned back and lay down on his bed. I also fell on the hard bed and tried to sleep.

Days passed by, and I did not know how many since there weren't any windows to let the sun in. There was some noise outside so I went to the rails of my cell to see what was happening. Walking up to my cell was the advisor. He came and faced me.

"What are you doing here?" I spat

"Are you enjoying your cell, my lady? Is everything to your comfort" he said smirking.

"You still haven't answered my question, advisor. I'm sure your stroll the cells every day,"

"Not much of a small talker are you? Alright," he came close then said, "Your guild, Obscures, I burnt it down"

I felt numb all over. "What," I said, my voice barely coming out.

"Oh, didn't you hear, your guild of criminals is dead," He said, bringing himself up. He looked at me once and then left.

Kieran must have heard what he said because his face held shock too. But what I felt wasn't shock, I don't know what I felt at all. My chest felt scrunched up and my throat welled up. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I pulled myself to the bed and lay on its hard surface, holding up my tears until I drifted off to sleep.

The following day I was greeted with cold water thrown at my face. When I opened my eyes I saw two of the very same guards who had dragged me in here. They once again took hold of my hands and pulled me out of the bed. I forcefully took my arms away from them and dusted my skirt. Then I looked up at them.

"What do you men want now?" I said in a monotone voice.

"We are here to take you to your trial," one of them said.

"Let's go," he said grabbing my arms once again. I did not retaliate, for I knew fighting will have an even worse outcome. I saw Kieran as I was taken from my cell and out of the dungeon. I was pulled out of the dark dungeon as I faced to sunlight after a long time. I squinted at the light until they took me to the town square.

In the middle was a guillotine made of bronze metal. They took me towards it.

"I thought it was a trail," I said

"Oh, sorry. I meant execution" the man said and he strapped me to the guillotine.

It is probably for the best, what is the use of living when you know the rest of the guild is dead, I thought to myself.

The advisor came up next to me and started addressing the crowd.

"This person here is the murderer of our beloved crown prince," After that he said many things but I was too tired to listen. I looked into the crowd and saw a very familiar person with black hair and gold eyes... 

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