Chapter 4

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The next morning, (Y/N) was thrown back into her avatar meeting up with Norm and Grace. Trudy, the woman she met yesterday, would be flying them all out to a secluded part of Pandora to explore. This world was by far the greenest place the Marine had ever seen. Back home, pollution and industrialism killed their planet, making it almost impossible to see views like this.

Trudy flew them close to the water beside a pack of flying animals, their skin a bright purple. (Y/N) and Norm hung out the side of the aircraft gazing at the new species and the bright colors Pandora harbored. As the water around them faded, the trees began to grow in height. The pilot flew the group through stacks of rocks causing the wind to flick (Y/N)'s hair around wildly. Out of excitement, the women let out a yell as Trudy dived through the air bringing them to their final destination which was secluded in the deep of the forest.

As the aircraft got low enough, (Y/N) unhooked the gun she had been leaning on and jumped out of the helicopter with it raised in precaution against the nature of Pandora. The rest of them followed suit allowing Grace to head up to the front windshield to speak with Trudy, "Shut it down! We're gonna stay a while!"

"Norm! Your pack!" Grace reminded causing the man to scramble back towards his empty seat, grabbing the pack that sat on the floor. (Y/N) rushed forward as Grace advanced into the forest standing in front of her to take the lead before the doctor spoke to the second human that accompanied them on their mission. "Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough."

"You the man, Doc."

Walking through the forest of Pandora for the first time was a surreal experience. Around the trio, bugs and animals skittered around. They stepped over large logs and roots as they continued on their journey before (Y/N) jumped, whipping her gun around at the sound of a nearby animal. A group of unknown species swung through the trees above them, using the vines to throw themselves forward. They all gave the avatars a look of confusion as one slowed to a stop looking (Y/N) directly in the eye.

The Marine had her gun poised, ready to engage if the animal decided to advance on them. Grace scoffed, coming over to shove the gun down to the ground, "Prolemuris. They're not aggressive. Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous." (Y/N) gave the woman a sheepish smirk. Norm, not so subtle, rolled his eyes before making his way up to the middle of the group.

"So, how will they know we're here?" Norm asked.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." Grace answered as she continued to walk ahead of the two. "Keep up, Norm." (Y/N) spoke up quietly making the lanky man quicken his pace. Eventually, they came to a small clearing where Grace started to bring out of some her equipment. "And here I go." She said, inserting a needle into a tree root watching carefully as Norm pulled out a tablet to scan the activity. Almost immediately, a blue light flashed from the spot where Grace punctured. "Oh, wow! It's that fast?" Norm exclaimed in awe.

Grace nodded with a smile etched on her lips, "Amazing, isn't it?"


"So, that is signal transduction from this root to the root of the tree next to it. So, we should take a sample." Grace explained. (Y/N) stood off to the side, her eyes tracing every tree as she walked slowly into the forest. The voices of Grace and Norm slowly faded out as the Marine pushed herself through a large bush slightly recoiling at the sight in front of her. In front of her were dozens of spiral plants, each showcasing a bright coral color.

Qᴜᴇʀᴇɴᴄɪᴀ, Avatar • (Y/N) Sully x Male! Neytiri •Where stories live. Discover now