Chapter 11

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Hours turned into days as (Y/N) and Naoki traveled far and wide along with Tsu'tey and his warriors. They flew thousands of miles to recruit other clans into helping them take back their land from the Sky People. With Naoki by her side, (Y/N) felt like everything was possible. As they flew, the two went over some battle strategies. Since (Y/N) vaguely knew of the machines that they were going to face, she also knew their weaknesses. The group of warriors flew down to a clan of Na'vi people who lived in a vast field, horses walking around their large environment. (Y/N) and Naoki explained their idea to the leader of the clan, sighing in relief as he turned to his people and let out a war cry, telling them to prepare their weapons for a fight.

We rode out to the four winds. To the horse clans of the plain. To the ikran people of the Eastern Sea.

(Y/N) spoke to Toruk, instructing him to head east. After a few hours, the sun had finally risen, giving the new clan a clear view of Toruk as he landed on the ground. (Y/N) and Naoki stood on top of a small hill, giving them the same speech she gave the rest of them. Just as she expected, the clan leader agreed. Raising her bow into the air triumphantly as she instructed her clan to ride their ikrans to the forest. (Y/N) felt a little relieved at the fact that she wouldn't be one of the only leading women in this fight.

When Toruk Macto called them, they came. 

Naoki let out a loud yell of excitement as (Y/N) dove Toruk towards the sea before leveling out, the ikran clan following close behind yelling out war cries of their own. The harsh reality of their situation started to sink in as the large forest of Pandora came into view. (Y/N) felt herself tense slightly, waving a hand up in the air to the clan leader to land just outside of the Tree of Souls, who chirped back in agreement before calling to her people to land safely on the ground. Now that she had her armies, she needed to look the part of a warrior. 

Once they landed, Naoki took her to a nearby hut and started to braid her long hair, tying it back with strong vines that were covered in yellow leaves. She hissed slightly as he gripped her scalp too hard. "Pull any rougher, and you might rip the hair out of my head. Unless it was intentional." (Y/N) teased reaching up to rub her scalp before Naokis hand slapped hers away, a sly smirk coming to his face. "Maybe it was." He shot back. The woman let out a small laugh before her face started to fall, along with her shoulders. Noticing the change in her body language, Naoki quickly finished the last braid, bringing his hands down to her shoulders to rub them softly.

"What is troubling you?" He asked, watching in concern as the woman's ears dropped. "I don't know." She muttered, wiping a hand down her face as a long sigh escaped her mouth. "I just... I just want this to work because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't." (Y/N) answered honestly, her heart sinking. She had been through wars before, but nothing compared to this. "You are afraid." Naoki spoke out in realization, (Y/N) immediately trying to shrug off his worry. As the woman started to protest about her feelings being exposed, Naoki crawled in front of her kneeling form, placing his hands on her face lovingly.

Qᴜᴇʀᴇɴᴄɪᴀ, Avatar • (Y/N) Sully x Male! Neytiri •Where stories live. Discover now