it's over, Shisui sensei decision

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"you... you... you could not even perform the clone jutsu, so how is it that you are able to use this kind of technique? ", Indra ask annoyed.

"it was because ", Ashura look down and clenches his fist, "clone jutsu was made for low level ninjas just like you ", Ashura look up at Indra and smile.

"( the Teleportation jutsu, how interesting, I can't wait to finish this book )", Shisui sigh.

"you little brat ", Indra growled.

"now you can't stop me from getting to the kunai ", Ashura said with a small smile, one of his kunai was on the same tree as Shisui's, Ashura teleport over to the tree and went for the kunai, "ugh ".

"that kunai is mine ", Izumi kick Ashura and the red haired boy crash into the ground in pain.

"( hmm, it seemed like he has not fully master the technique, he would have been able to escape Izumi's sloppy move but he could not, I think I have a chance of getting the kunai, if only I could predict his move )", Indra slowly got up and pick up his katana.

Izumi was throwing shuriken at Ashura and Ashura was doing his best to avoid them, Izumi spun two kunai in hand and attack Ashura, Ashura block the first kunai and dodged the other before throwing a powerful kick, Izumi easily dodged it and knock Ashura off the ground, Ashura was able to kick her away before teleport to a kunai a few feet away.

"( damn she's good )", Ashura was breathing heavily, "( I need to make a move before Izumi or Indra )", Ashura thought, something long and cold wrapped around Ashura and he gasp, "what the... ", Ashura pause and held his breath when the long white snake was staring at him.

"snake... I hate snakes ", Izumi shivered, she was also been trap by a snake.

"where the heck did they come from? ", Ashura was also shivering.

"now that my friends are holding you, I can take the kunai without you guys bugging me ", Indra smirked at them, "( now let see if he's going to come after me with that jutsu )", Indra dash of to the tree with the kunai.

"( no he's going to get the kunai )", Izumi thought, she didn't want to move cuz she think the snake will bit her if she moves a muscle.

"stay away from my kunai ", Ashura appeared in front of him.

"( just as I thought )", Indra crouched down and Ashura's kick sail past above him, he smacked Ashura into a tree and Ashura falls to the ground.

"( damn, he was able to read my technique, but how? )", Ashura was surprised.

"you aren't that perfect Ashura, you have a really good technique and still you can't perform it in a proper way, you should just step down from ninja program ", Indra said, Ashura grit his teeth angrily and clenches his fist.

"( this snake is creeping me out, if I could just get out of here )", Izumi was looking for a way to escape the snake that was staring right at her.

"just because you had me doesn't mean you are stronger than I am ", Ashura forced himself back up, "I may be a little bit wonky something, I know I have failed alot of times, I was like a clown to you all, messing around, and you decided to take me as a brat ", Ashura chuckles a little, both Indra and Izumi were staring at him, "wrong, that's the biggest mistake you have ever made ", Ashura growl.

Indra shook his head and chuckled, "ugh why is he chuckling? ", Izumi ask confused.

"what's so funny white face? ", Ashura growl angrily, he was ready to dash off and get rid of Indra.

"what so funny?, you wants to know what's so funny? ", Indra ask with a chuckle and it annoys Ashura even more, "you are ", Indra snarled, "just because you accidentally learnt that technique doesn't mean you stand a chance against me and you know that yourself ", Indra point.

ASHURA :  ninja heroWhere stories live. Discover now