Entry 6: The Impossible Incassable

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In the cold winter months, the travelers and the Liberated who hoped to travel to the Queens Court for assignment would shelter in the Keep until spring. I looked forward to the stories from outside our Keep. Acrasia maintained a constant look of disdain on her angelic face at the lack of variety; both in the food that her Eros required but also the food stored for the long winter months I would offer our visitors a warm meal, listen to their stories and tell them what their evening may look like should they choose to stay and enter the Family's bed. What would happen in Acrasia's bed.

Although there were many stories I treasured in the dark nights of Winter, I was always enthralled by the story of the Incubus who had formed an Incassable. Even with multiple accounts from these travelers, Acrasia refused to believe that an incubus, rare as he was, could create the bonds required to have a life mate. He certainly could not be powerful enough to construct the magical bonds required to create an Incassable. Succubi and Incubi are required to feed off of a being's sexual desire or the deepest desires in their dreams. To feed on a singular partner would have a multitude of negative consequences; many unknown to the small circle of succubi on S818 save for Acrasia herself. Acrasia did tell me, after she had fed on one of those "excessively talkative" winter storytellers, that it would be impossible due to the nature of our power. She had then gone on to complain that the winter selection for food this year was pitiful. She turned her attention to her group of male Inamorato's. These were warriors and sexual partners she used to ensure that if her Eros arose, it would be able to be immediately fed. She would use these select members of the Family to feel her Eros when the feasts on the travelers did not fill her mighty appetite.

Succubi need a regular food source and one person could certainly not satisfy needs. In addition, our needs would be too taxing on a single soul. We require multiple partners, at least sexually. This would make forming an Incassable impossible. The metaphysical bonds for an Incassable requires the complete surrender of oneself to another. I was transfixed on the idea. Perhaps it was my naivety and my belief in "true love". It also was the deep loneliness that had settled in my being the last 50 years as Acrasia's Chef de Eclaireur,. When she awakened my Eros, she gave me a taste of connection with another person; even one as elusive as Acrasia. She then denied it to me.

When I had brought up the Incassable again, Acrasia had scoffed at the idea of it and said "it's impossible (in·po·see-bla)" in the dismissive tone she would use when she was tired of my hyperfixations. It was my cue to drop the subject...or else.

She was right. An Incassable requires two partners to give all of themselves to another person. I remember reading it one night when Acrasia was denying my release from my Eros. I had gone to the sorrowful library of the Keep to take my mind off the need growing in my body and found a small book titled "Amour Incassable". Within its pages I found short poems, stories, and objective accounts of those who had formed an Incassable. In order for a true Incassable to form, the Succubi or, in rare cases, incubi must give up all of themselves to the other person. When the metaphysical bonds form, both partners have unfiltered access to all parts of each other. These bonds remain and can not be broken unless death occurs.. Based on the stories, one partner can feel the other's presence at all times. They can feel their need, feel their fear, feel their thoughts; feel everything the other person is feeling. They can put up shields to block the overwhelming sensation but that merely dampens it. It takes great skill to put up a shield that blocks them out as the bonds are unbreakable. Most found that it was easier to exist together as one and described the true attachment that could be found with their partners.

The stories described this as a double edged sword. Feelings of jealousy, hurt, misunderstanding, lack of connection, and poor communication would cause the emotional pain felt in one partner to be equally felt in the other creating a cycle of hurt that would ultimately destroy the mated pair. The book only told a few stories of such events and each one ended in the tragic death of both. This book acted as evidence, in my mind, that it would be impossible for this incubus and his partner to have actually formed an Incassable. It was most likely a story, like the one Acrasia told about her power, to help the crown.

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