Entry 7: The First Weeks of Spring

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The Gilded Slaves would travel across S818 protecting valuable merchandise, aristocratic family members, and even the Queen Herself. Raised as slaves from the Nursery Planet and trained in all matters relating to protecting the Crown, these men were known for defending their charge at any cost. At the end of the winter, when I lay trapped in my punishment, there was word that The Madame had begun the preparations to overthrow her sister and regain the Crown. The Queen immediately sent her Guided Slaves to protect those who held power including Acrasia.

She had released me from my punishment early to prepare for their visit. The Keep needed me to maintain the illusion that we were a formidable force. The Madame knew I had been given to Acrasia from the Crown and would view it as weakness if I were away from my "sacred duty". In addition, Should we feel threatened, Acrasia could use me to enthrall those within the walls to her whims. According to the house slaves, that first night when my Eros surfaced, those within 10 miles of the Keep's courtyard had come to Acrasia to offer themselves to her. This included all genders and all sexualities. She never told me herself, but I was able to gather from the other slaves that she maintained this power for 10 hours by herself. She had the power to have them do whatever it was she wished; they were walking slaves. She proclaimed to all who asked that she had discovered a new power and used it as the perfect defense. Nobody truly understood what her potential for power was which generated fear of her and the Crown. She knew she could use our power to enslave those who wished her harm to do her bidding. For her, it was a win win. For her.

I had settled into my old routines. Walking the gardens in spring. Checking in with those whose duty it was for me to keep safe. I got caught up with the Families Commanders and they filled me in on the little news we had received. The Madame was still a threat but, as far as we had heard, no other news had arrived. The Crown had sent a messenger that 150 of the Crown's best warriors would arrive to protect the Keep should the Madame strike the most strategic locations to the Queen. She had dispatched over 1000 of her best warriors to these locations all of S818 to protect their assets and display her reach and power.

In those first few days of freedom, I found myself feeling safe in Acrasia's presence. Her torture had worked. I had viewed her as the only thing that could grant me pleasure. That could keep me safe from the darkness in myself. However, she did not visit me to feed my Eros as often as before. My dreams would bring me right back to the dark void in my mind and she would feed my Eros by making me relive my punishment. I felt my Eros grow restless and, in its starved state, it began searching for food beyond what Acrasia offered. Even though I walked with fear except when I was within the presence of Acrasia, My Eros was trapped and hungry. Soon my Eros began leaving its den and peering at the world behind my eyes.

I was sitting in a meeting of my five commanders. They all contained magical power or Eros that added strength to the Family. They were the most powerful and, as such, had the most say in the workings on of the Keep. As a Slave, I was unable to have the same joys as them. I could not feed/be food for anyone save for Acrasia. I could not have any sexual partners save for her. I could not sit at their tables when the entirety of the Family was convened and I could not be adorned in gold. However, as Acrasia's second in command, I did have final say when a peaceful resolution could not be found.

The ever excitable Vivien Noel, with her ethereal-like features and auburn red hair, had briefed us on the plans for the upcoming Spring ball. The level headed and wise Axelle Monet, had found the blueprints for the wall and mapped out security measures should we find ourselves attacked. The First of the Family and Acrasia's female Inamorato Angeline Pascal, mapped out the schedule to ensure Acrasia's Eros remain fed should we find ourselves in an emergency situation. And finally, the stubborn and oldest of us all Constantin Desjardins and the most cunning, Cesaire Marchand had spent the last part of our debrief in deep debate. It was watching these two men argue that I felt my Eros stir.

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