Entry 8: Tour De Force

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A group of 150 Gilded Slaves arrived as the last of the snow puddles evaporated. They had been delayed a week due to the snow stubbornly refusing to melt in the mountain pass between the Crown and Acrasia's Keep. Acrasia could hardly contain herself that week. 150 men. 150 souls to break. 150 meals to feed on. I had spent the week preparing for the men and exploring the limits of my new found gifts. My Eros had never felt so satiated and I found myself feeling stronger. Not only my physical body, but my spiritual one as well.

I could feel Acrasia buzzing behind me with excitement as we received word that the first of the Crowns banners had appeared on the horizon. Everything had been planned to display our strength; from the apparel the family wore to how we sat surrounding her golden chair. She had clad herself in a sheer white dress that draped around her body from the gold choker necklace wrapped delicately around her neck. Under the fabric you could see the gold bars that pierced each of her nipples causing the fabric to bunch slightly. Even though the weather was still chilly, she had cast aside her stockings and instead wore nothing but her bare feet. Her black hair fell loose around her shoulders giving her the appearance of an angel with her wings folded gingerly at her back. Only a few loose strands made you aware that it was actually hair that lay behind her. Her white horns, as always, gave her a halo and added to her illuminated beauty.

I knew before our guests had arrived how she would present herself. She would either sit with her hands gently in her lap and a kind smile tilted up at the strangers or she would stand tall, pressing her breasts against the fabric of her dress with her hands daintily placed behind her back. I knew she did that to give her the look of innocence while also displaying her own assets.; her own brand of strength. Both would catch the newcomers off guard. They would certainly lust after her looks and she would be able to get her first taste of them. In addition, she would have an upper hand in any future engagements with them.

The Keep had been prepared in all of its golden finery. Each room had been polished, scrubbed and awaited a handsome warrior to reside within for Acrasia to trap. She sat upon her golden chair and smiled expectantly at the entrance awaiting for the men to enter the hall. We were both surprised to discover that only two men approached the keeps grand entrance. We heard from our guards that the other men were setting up tents beyond the Keeps Wall and that only the two leaders would be sent to speak to Acrasia.

She was obviously annoyed by the decision these slaves had made but knew they would eventually be lured inside the Keep to the comforts she would promise. No one wants to sleep outside in the rain and cold when a warm bed and potential bedmates await inside.

Acrasia sat herself back in her golden chair, her back arched high and her hands placed on each of the arms of her throne. As her Second in Command, I was duty bound to remain by her side but, as a slave, was not permitted a seat. Instead, I sat below her, my ass sore against the stone steps. My mask was the same that she had modified my first night in the Keep but Acrasia had always provided me white dresses to reflect the fashion trends of the Queen's Court. Today, I wore a white lace collar. My gold chain hung with its lock in front. The white lace fabric gathered at my sleeves and the fabric billowed out from my arms like white clouds. Acrasia had added lace panels over my breasts to keep them hidden. The lace draped from my breasts and tucked into the corset that had been tightly cinched at my waist.

Below the corset, however, the white lace flared out with reckless abandon and would flow behind me when I walked. When the two commanders walked through the door, I sat with my legs daintily crossed in front of me and my dress sprawled out on the steps that led up to Acrasia. My hair had been piled high on top of my head using intricate plaits to ensure the curls remained in place. She had requested that each member of the Family display her flower. She had commanded that my hair have white and red amaryllis woven within. I remember looking at my red horns in the mirrors adorned with the flower crown and thinking that I was perhaps beautiful. It could also have been my Eros talking.

I did not use the mirror often but found myself transfixed by the image in the mirror. I had learned to keep my fangs hidden behind my lips over the years. My lips were plump and a dark pink but they were nothing to the pink vibrancy of my eyes. They swirled with shades of magenta and rouge with my blush colored pupils in stark contrast. Acrasia knew that once my Eros took over my body, my eyes would flash to darker shades of garnet rose. However, today my pink eyes glittered in the spring sunshine and were wide with excitement at the new visitors. I remember wondering if I looked presentable enough to catch Acrasia's attention even amidst the new visitors. It was a fleeting thought that I left with the mirror as I turned my attention elsewhere.

I sat there, on the bottom step and wandered my eyes around her ceremonial hall. Light shone in the room from the stained glass windows that adorned the stone walls. The windows were dedicated to the Faerie Queen. Each window used complex glasswork to display scenes of the Faerie Queen wielding her power through the seductive temptations of her body. Acrasia had them created to illustrate the Faerie Queen seducing great knights, beings from distant planets, and even the Crown itself. The Arches in the large room acted as symbols of her magnificence and magnanimity with various depictions of the Family and symbols of their power.

Acrasia's golden throne stood at the end of the arches on a raised platform beneath a golden baldaquin. Carved into the tall gold throne above Acrasia's head read the words, "For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought." A reminder that once you were a member of the Family, you remained no matter your physical location on S818. The family had gilded chairs in various styles that varied according to their individual powers. These chairs spread around the room and sat filled with the different members of the Family. I felt their power filling the space like small pressures on my body. I did not dare use my Eros with Acrasia watching but knew that they were ready should they need to use their power to protect Acrasia from harm. I was more interested in the various threads of connection that lied within the members.

Over the fireplace, stood a portrait of Acrasia laying naked among the amaryllis that she chose as a symbol for the Family. The flowers hid the delicate parts of herself. The portrait itself, I was told, was made as a personal gift from the Queen. Although no one dares to speak on it, I do believe the Queen, at one time, cared deeply for Acrasia. It is said they were childhood friends and grew up together. The two sisters and Acrasia. Acrasia was so exceedingly pleased with the portrait, she kept the original for herself and commissioned a smaller copy for the Queen. I stared at that painting as we sat in silence waiting for the two Gilded Slaves to walk and see our performance. To see our power.

Finally, the two fully armored Commanders walked through. I remember how the heavenly illumination from the stained glass windows bounced off their armor. I could see the light surrounding them and, even without my Eros, feel the power they shared. It pricked my skin and I felt myself putting up a shield to keep my Eros contained. Whatever their power was, it called to my Eros. My Eros responded in turn and I felt it pacing within its den. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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