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No ones POV: y/n woke up, brushed her hair and put on some clothes. Y/n was known to be a perfect, straight A student who doesn't have that many friends but she has gwen and finney blake by her side, one day in class she got a note

 Y/n was known to be a perfect, straight A student who doesn't have that many friends but she has gwen and finney blake by her side, one day in class she got a note

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R.A? She thought, whos r.a? Then she looked over her shoulder to see her enemy, robin Arellano..
OH SHIT! she thought to herself. After class ended she went to the 2 floor, class 3. She opened the door to see Robin and he was working on something "umm..robin?" The ambitious girl said, Robin turned around "oh, well well well..i didn't think you were coming" he smirked "whats going on?" She asked confused, "well miss eve said that you have to help me with the prom posters and decorations" he said with that annoying smirk "SERIOUSLY!?" The girl yelled and robin went wide eyed "wow! Calm down missy! You'll be fine!"

A couple hours passed and you guys were still working, it was a hot summer afternoon and the radio was going then you heard the door handle jiggle "umm..robin? Who's that?" She said "how am i supposed to know!" Then you heard two people outside but it was muffled "ugh! Finney i left my bag in there AND ITS LOCKED!" you heard the girl say "ITS FINE! miss eve gave me an extra key besides no ones in there!" The boy said "umm robin? Should we hid-" before you knew it robin pulled you into a very small closet and your body's touching then the door opened, you got even more anxious "what if they find us!" You said hushed, Robin rolled his eyes "they wont! Stop overreacting!"

Robins POV: Damn..I've never realised how fine y/n is...i just couldn't stop staring honestly "stop looking at me perv! And why are those people not leaving yet! Its not that fucking hard to find a bag! God fucking damit!." Y/n said "wow did y/n l/n just swear!? Jesus..maybe theres a side i dont know about.." i smirked "ugh..do your want me to murder you!?" She snapped at me

Y/ns POV: i swear to god im so pissed at robin! And when are they leaving! Jesus, i was surprised to feel robin strong hands go around my waist..slowly getting closer to my *AHEM* clit..Jesus was i actually letting him do this? "Wow..you're getting wet already!? Do you want me this bad?" I was looking at his hands..

"I... guess..i do want you..just don't tease me!" I said and he nodded slowly fingering me, hitting my g-spot so well "robin! Shit..fuck me.." i said under my breath "please let me cum! Please" i begged "just a little longer mamì.." finally the people left and "okay now! Cum for me mi vida.." then i released all over his fingers.. "good girl.. you did great" his said while licking his fingers clean and i just kissed him and said "i love you, idiot"


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