You cheated on me remeber?

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Your POV: Robin and i have been fighting and Gwen told me robin has been cheating on me with Angela. I was shocked, i mean i knew he never really liked me but i was still really upset about it.

I went to the grab n' go to grab snacks and a slushy, while i was in there i saw a girl i knew in middle school, jasmine she was medium hight, blonde curly hair i mean i wouldn't be surprised if she was related to vance, she was a bitch in middle school. "Jasmine! Hey how are you?" I asked her and she smiled at me "y/n!? Oh my god..its you! Its been so long!" She smiled again and we hugged, i stole her cigarettes out of her jacket and i said my goodbyes, got my slushy and went outside to smoke. I grabbed one cigarette and my lighter and smoked it, i don't know what came over me but i couldn't care less, everyone is an asshole except for Gwen and finney, until i saw moose..shit, should i say hi? "Y/n.." he smirked "hi moose..what do you want?" I replied "nothing.. nothing, so you and Robin broke up?" I nodded "yup, he cheated on me with your sister.." he had a toothy grin on his face "well why not cheat on robin with me?" He smiled " sorry i just cant.." moose rose an eyebrow and got closer "you sure baby..? I'm way better than that bitch.." and he put his arm around me and kissed my forehead, i pulled away but he cupped my ass. I saw his friends behind a tree laughing and taking pictures of us.."come on..I'll give you 100 bucks.." he smirked, i didn't want to do it but i kissed him nonetheless and he bought me home.

I woke up next to moose naked..then i put my clothes back on "wheres my money?" I hit him and he jolted up "shit..give me a kiss and I'll make it 200." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and he gave me the money and i left for school. I got there and everyone was staring at me, even Gwen.."whats wrong?" I asked Gwen "okay seriously y/n..moose?! Jesus i wouldn't even go that far, im sorry don't talk to me." She said and walked off then i got pushed up against a locker seeing robin "you bitch..moose!? Anyone but moose!?" He yelled and held up the photos from yesterday " cheated on me! Stop acting like im the bad guy!" He scoffed "'re a real bitch for this!" Robin said and stormed off. I ran to the girls bathroom and cried silently in a stall.

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