<3Boobs <3

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Y/ns POV:  I've always been an early bloomer so that means i got boobs in the 5th grade but I've never been confident enough for anyone to see so I've always wore big t-shirts or things that hide my boobs, i was in school looking in my locker then gwen came running up behind me "y/nnnn!! Heyyyy!" She said in that high pitched voice "heyy gwennn" i said tiredly she looked at me weirdly then her eyes widened "since when did you have boobs!? Jesus what the fuck!?" She yelled "shhh, shut up Gwen! Be quiet! And I've always had boobs! Your just unfortunate not to have any!" I tease and we both walked into the girl bathrooms "hey! Well are you hoping robin Arellano looks at you??" She teased back and i tied my hair up "Umm..i guess, he his the hottest guy in the school" i said and Gwen fake gagged "EW! He's nice but disgusting! Seriously..your type is super weird" she said and i rolled my eyes "aren't your mom and Vance's dad supposed to get married tomorrow?" She asked "oh, yeah! Ugh i really don't want to be vances stepsister! Like! No"

School ended and you and Gwen went to the grab'n' go to grab snacks then "oh shit! Its vance" you said while hiding behind a shelf,yes vance knows whats going on "HA!" She laughed at you and you smacked her arm "oH! Looook its robin and finney!" She said and you turned your head and completely became a tomato when you saw robin "imma set you up with robin!" She said "HOW?" Next thing you know while Robin was turned around, Gwen quite literally stole finney and brought him home then you knew what to do next "hey Robin..? Uhm i think finn left you.." you said "oh shit..yeah i don't know where he went either" he laughed softly. You guys had a good conversation together, "actually..finn was supposed to help me with homework but hes not here  and i think your the only smart person i know! Soo..my parents are out of town, would you mind helping me and come over?" You looked at him shocked "yeah of course! Lets go..!"

You guys got there and robin got the homework set up "what do you need help with?" I said and he looked at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes "math..yeah im really bad!" He said and you sat down at the table and he followed and sat down with you. A few hours past and you were still stuck on question 20 "okay again..whats 12+6 divided by 6 is..?" You said "uhmmm...umm is it..3?" (Man idk math!?) you sighed and nodded "FINALLY! JESUS!" you yelled and robin was just staring at your boobs "you know y/n..I've liked you for a long time.." he said..and i completely flipped "really?! Jesus! The most hottest guy at school likes me!? Oh god robin i love you too.." you said "can i kiss you mamí?" He said, you just kissed him sweetly just both of you embraced it.."also.." he said through kisses "nice tits." He said again throughout kisses and you smiled even more

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