X I miss you X

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Y/ns POV: i was in the basement, i got kidnapped on my birthday..i was trying to figure out what to do then the phone on the wall rang, i picked it up at first there was some static"hello? Is anyone there?" I sniffed "y/n..?" I heard a croaky voice.. robin? "Is that you robin..?" I slowly started to cry "hey..don't cry amor..don't please.." i just nodded to myself  "listen..i need you to kill that hijo de puta and i know im not here to help you but i need you to stand up for yourself" robin said through the phone "i will and I'll try my best.." i said back "theres no trying your best, i need you to do it today. Please, this is the last call" i kept on sobbing and i slowly sank down to the cold basement floor "why you!? You didn't deserve to die! It should've been me..." i quietly sobbed "don't say that hermosa..i know you can do this.." robin said softly "but im not a fighter like you..! I can't do this! I'll see you soon though right?" I said to him "no, i don't think so amor...I'm gonna be fine and i don't want you ending up like me, just promise to visit me every day" i nodded again "but can you please do this one thing?" I said yes "put some dirt in the phone, give it some heft, you raise the phone! Take a big step back then forward then swing!" I copied his instructions "again! Raise the phone, take a step back, forward then swing!" I nodded "you got this amor...i know it! I know you're not like me and don't know how to throw a punch but you know how to take one and you get back up! Your amazing, kind and beautiful...this is the final call..te amo.." he said and he lowered his head "i love you too, bye robin.." i said softly "bye n/n.." i hung the phone up

I have the code but i need to kill the grabber, but before i could do anything he came down "hello beautiful.." he said through the mask, disgusting! That man makes me sick but i still hid in the corner "whats wrong, pretty girl..?" He said "why did you kill robin...why!?" I yelled, he walked to the toilet but he fell in the hole i dug and he broke his leg, i broke the phone off the wall and put the cord around his neck then SNAP! I broke his neck and he slowly sunk into the hole, i fed his dog? Some meat and i walked up the stairs and put the code into the door, Gwen saw me and ran straight to me so did finney, i cried loudly"he's dead! Robins dead.." i said quietly
You still visit robins grave everyday..you guys had great memories but you had to move on.

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