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A/N! Srry i dont know the artist to this amazing drawing!! But if you know be tell me! And again thank you for reading this horrible book!❤️

Y/ns POV: i look down at the two blue lines on the pregnancy test...Jesus christ, how is robin gonna react..speaking of him i think i just heard the door open "mi amor!? Im home where are you?" He yelled, i walked out of the bath room "hey.." i said leaning against the wall "are you alright?" He said, son of a bitch..seriously? He's asking me if im okay? Now!? Seriously "im fine? How are you?" I said lying "oh im great! I rented us a new movie to watch tonight!" He said, i nodded "cool..umm i think im gonna order some pizza for us.." he nodded "imma go to the bathroom." He said while passing by, going into the bathroom then i realised i hid the test in the bathroom cabinet then robin came out "your pregnant?" He said "yeah.." i said disappointed "im gonna be a dad! Holy. Shit!" He said happily "yeah well your not being the father!? Plus its my choice! You were never there for me!?" I croaked "but!? I was there amor!? I fucking was! So im going to be the father to the child!" He yelled really loud at me and i started to cry even more and slide slowly on the ground "you know what!? Fuck you! Im leaving! Im done with your bullshit!"

10 years later im living with my daughter Blaire named after my grandma, im a single mother and blaire is 9 turning 10 on the 14th of February..i was cooking dinner then blaire asked me "mum? Do i have a dad at all?" She asked then i frozed trying not to think about him "oh..uhm yes you do but he left before you were born hunny..he really did want to be your father but i didn't let him..i mean he was never there for me...but why'd you ask?" I said still focused on the dinner "oh we have to do a family tree for a project at school!" Then i heard a knock on the door "oh..just stay here hun..im sure its no one!" I said while going to answer the door, i opened it to see Robin "what the fuck are you doing here" i snapped at him "you know why im here y/n, that voice mail you sent me? And i want to see my daughter." LAST NIGHT. "Robin..fuck, i need you back please..i want you, blaire needs a father!" You sent a voice mail to him. BACK TO PRESENT. "Ugh..robin i had two bottles of wine..i don't need you here! Remember you left us!" Robin just sighed then looked over my shoulder to see blaire hiding behind a wall "is that blaire..?" He said quietly "oh..yes, but i don't want you to talk to her! I just don't get it why shes so much like you..i mean shes obsessed with horror movies and shit.." i said annoyed "can i come in? Just to see her..please" he begged, i sighed and let him in and closing the door behind him. Blaire ran up to him "dad!?" She said happily "oh my god..you look so much like me..mi princesa..oh" he kissed her head and blaire smiled, "y/n? Could i talk to you in the kitchen alone?" He asked and i went into the kitchen with him following me. "What do you want?! Remember you left me!" I cried slowly "y/n, im sorry for i did then but i was just trying to look out for!" He kinda raised his voice "look out for me!? Seriously!? You got to be fucking kidding me!" I yelled and he moved closer to me, body's almost touching and i sighed "deja vu right amor?" He chuckled slowly and his hand went up and down my thigh slowly "like i was saying, Blaire really needs a father! I will help pay child support, bills, anything! Please, i do love you so fucking much.. your so amazing, so is Blaire.." i sighed "you've been gone for 9 year! It's been so long i don't even know how long you've been gone! Jesus!" Then he kissed me passionately, it felt wrong but i slowly embraced into the kiss "fine..you can stay but please don't abandon me again.." he looked at me and smiled "i will never leave your or Blaires  side again amor.." then he kissed my head and went to go help Blaire with her project

Things got better, and your really happy to see Robin again and that he loves blaire so much


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