Worried <3

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NO ONES POV: You we're hanging out at your friends house with finney and gwen and you were crying to them about your boyfriends disappearance "im sure they'll find Robin soon n/n!" Gwen said comfortingly and finn nodded "yeah! Im sure and im just as sad as you..don't worry" finney and Gwen were the siblings you've never had "i guess so but what if they don't..?!" The both of them sighed "lets move on from that topic..uhmm how's school?" Gwen said "its okay.. my grades are low!" She said "thats a surprise.." finney said lowly then you slapped his arm "whats in your bag.?" gwen pointed out to the blue-ish grey thing, "Oh thats robins bandana..he'd always give it to me when he went away..."

Another day passed and people were still searching for him but no luck, you were at your locker then you saw Angela..the worst girl in the whole town..well her brother his moose, "hey y/n! Weres your little stupid boyfriend! Huh stupid bitch!?" She said pouting in a sarcastic manner "leave me alone angela!" You said back "AwWWW! Is someone upset huh? Your boyfriend cant save you anymore!?" She said while snatching robins bandana from your bag, "what the fuck!?" You said while punching her hard in her nose, she fell down and you straddled her and beat the shit out of her then you got up and ran back home luckily no one was there
"Jesus...just give me a sign! Fuck! I hope its not to late.." you got changed and went to bed.

"Y/n...im still alive..im here"

You woke up, scared and anxious..you were thinking so much.. is Robin actually alive..? And is he okay? It was a Saturday and you decided to stay home and not go out..but you remember something in your dream about robin.."THE HOUSE.." you screamed "oh god..oh god! Okay" you grabbed a a pen and paper and wrote 7741.. and you ran, in the rain all the way to the police station

Minutes later, there were maybe 10 police and ambulances all going over to the house, you ran straight into the house but you couldn't see anything because of all the police officers then you saw "ROBIN..!?" you cried out, running straight to him "oh my god robin!" He turned around "y/n..?!" You hugged him so tight and kissed him and he smiled "whats going on amor?" He said with a raspy voice..he looked so tired and bloody..."are you okay!? Oh god! Are you hurt?" You said panicked "im alright but your here now..so im great and i see your wearing my bandana.." he laughed softly "i was so wORRIED! And im glad you're okay.." you kissed him again "hello..im sorry kids but we need to take robin to the hospital.." a police officer said "oh okay...well i love you..." you said "i love you too mi amor.."

You were at home with him, cuddling "i know now not to let you go somewhere without me.." i said quietly "dont worry its..okay, it's okay" he said softly "i just missed you so much!" You started to tear up "shhshhh..its okay amor.." he said comfortingly, then you fell asleep on him "te amo.." robin kissed your head

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