You cheated on me remember? Part 2

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I walked home in the rain, feeling horrible. When i got home guilt washed over me, my parents weren't even home i mean they're probably at some club passed out somewhere, should i call Gwen? Finn or robin? I don't know but i felt really bad about what happened, i decided to call Gwen and apologise. "Gwen..? Hi" it was silence until "what do you want y/n!?" I sniffed "I'm sorry..honestly, moose he gave me money and you know how my parents are! They're shit Gwen..i really am sorry.." Gwen sighed "okay Jesus...this is you're last chance y/n..i swear to god!" I smiled to myself "can you come over..?" "Sure. Give me a minute"

Gwen came over and i hugged her tightly " so sorry! Can you help me make up with robin?" I say dragging on the n,she scoffed and rolled her eyes "fine." She smiled "great! though?" I question "well, i could call him and tell him to come over to my house,so lets go to mine." Gwen said. We got there and Gwen called robin "hey Robin, wanna come over to my house and come hang out with Finn and i?" "Sure. I'll be there soon." Gwen smiled "okay! Go hide in my room" i got up then paused "why!?" "Just go!" So i went to Gwen's room and sat on her bed. I heard Robin come inside and they all talked for awhile then Finn and Gwen went to grab snacks, that was my cue, i came out of the room and saw robin sitting on the couch watching tv " are you..?" I asked, he just ignored me and i walked into the living room "please...I'm really sorry Robin, he gave me money and-". "He gave you money?! Jesus you really are a slut!" "No no! It wasn't like that, i mean it was a little bit but you know what my parents are like! They're shit! Seriously.." i sat next to him"please last chance! I won't go back to him, i swear on my life..." he looked at me "i can't just forgive you like that..." "but you cheated on me first!...listen please, i fucked up, i know i did but please.." i held his hand "well..Angela sucked at sex.." i giggled a little bit "oh really?! Oh please, moose came in 1 minute! Not even a minute maybe 30 seconds!" Robin chuckled "im sorry.." i smiled and kissed him softly, "yes! It worked!" I heard Gwen yell. I held robin close and never let him go again..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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