Chapter 1. Arianna

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        It was night. I was trying to sleep but it was so hard to try.  There is so much to do tomorrow and so much to think about. I grabbed my phone. "What time is it?" I mumbled, tired. I swiped through the home screen and saw the time. "12:30?  I swear it was only ten. " I laid back down tired.

      The next day arrived. I was sleeping when I heard my alarm clock. "SHUT UP! " I yelled. I hit the alarm clock so hard it fell of my nightstand. "Oops." I muttered. I carefully grabbed the alarm clock and placed it back.

        I walked out of my room to the kitchen. No one was up yet. "Huh, Aaliyah should be up by now. " I thought. I quickly looked on my phone to see what day it was. "SATURDAY!? I thought today was Friday! " I yelled. "Shut up and go back to sleep! " I heard Aaliyah yell.

       I grabbed a box of cereal and poured it in my bowl. I heard a knock on the door. "Coming! " I yelled. It was my neighbor, Aaron. He was nice but he made me always feel unsettled. "Hi Aaron.  Can I help you? "  "Hey Arianna. I was thinking maybe we can  have a grill one day. Oh and you can stay the night! "

        "That's nice Aaron, but we actually are busy. Maybe come another time. " I told Aaron. "Oh please. " He asked. I didn't want to be rude but I just wasn't comfortable with him yet. "Sorry." I said and shut the door.

         I went to finish my cereal. I was honestly really hungry anyways. I clicked on my phone and watched YouTube. I knew today was gonna be lazy, so why not.

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