CHAPTER 1: Strucker Sucks

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My eyes flew open.

I stared up at the grey stone ceiling, breathing hard. The dream was still lingering at the back of my mind, reminding me of every single detail that happened during the bombing.

And, the part that stood out the most, were the vivid red letters, STARK.

I felt hot rage burning my veins whenever my brain sent me the image of the word. STARK, eh? The dude who appears on televisions every now and then as some hero of the day. The dude who took not only me but hundreds of others from their peaceful homes and families in a single night.

When thoughts about the memory had faded, I suddenly remembered I was in one of Baron von Strucker's labs. I was hooked up to various bizzare machines, and beside my bed stood a table with a tray arranged with an assortment of needles which were filled with strange liquids of different colors.

I tried to get up, but my middle was strapped to the bed. I squirmed and struggled, although I knew perfectly well that it was useless. Finally I gave up on the attempt and let out a yell of defeat. I loath being constrained. I started to feel like I was lacking oxygen, and sweat was streaming down my forehead. I felt hot, sticky and humid.

"Miss Petrov, I see you are awake."

A new voice came to my ears and I lifted my head as much as I could to see a man stepping in.

Baron Strucker.

"No, I'm still asleep," I shot at him, gritting my teeth.

Strucker simply let out a small chuckle that sent icy chills down my spine and made the hair on the back of my neck stand on their ends. "I see you're uncomfortable, too."

"I didn't sign up for this," I retorted.

"Ah, but you did agree to use any means we have to take revenge on..." he exhaled dramatically, "Stark."

"Do not mention his name in front of me," I snarled.

"Of course," Strucker said casually, but I knew he had succeeded in getting under my skin.

"It's been twenty-one days," I growled. "And nothing has been done. All you're doing is keep me here like a criminal. You better agree to what we've signed up for, or -"

"Or what?" Strucker said sleekly, in a taunting voice. "You'll throw your food tray at me?"

"Everyone has a patience limit, and you're on the verge of crossing mine." I was gripping the bed sheets so tightly that I heard a small ripping sound.

"We are still in the midst of scanning," he said, still in that smooth-as-glass tone that made me want to flip a table in his face. "We need to know how much power capacity your body will be able to accept. And, believe me, the percentage is increasing every day."

"...and how much is that, exactly?" I asked tentatively, half-afraid and half-curious to know.

"At this point, it is at forty-four percent, which is alarmingly high compared to your two little friends." Strucker was now beside me, his hands behind his back in a soldier position.

"What are Pietro's and Wanda's?" I questioned, panicked.

"Thirty-one." His reply was short and quick, as though he felt it was unnecessary to elaborate.

I didn't know how to react. Was I supposed to be glad? Proud? Or scared?

"Once it stops expanding, we will start the experiments. We've estimated it to stop at forty-five, so prepare yourself." There was an evil glint in his eyes as he spoke.

"I can refuse anytime," I said stingingly.

He kneeled by my bed so that my face was level with his. "You better cooperate with us, Miss Petrov." His tone was now steely and sharp. "Or watch your little friends..." he pulled a knife out of its sheath from his belt, "...die."

He stabbed the blade of the knife into the bed, right between my index and middle fingers. I took a sharp intake of breath in shock.

"I know you're smart." Strucker held up a filthy hand and grabbed my chin violently, forcing me to meet his eyes. "But one wrong move..."

He let go roughly, making my head fling to the other side and hit the table with a tray filled with needles. I let out a small wince, my head throbbing in pain. Strucker never finished his sentence. And he walked out of the room.


"Sir, the percentage has been stagnant for four days."

"Good. Start now."

"Very well, sir."

My eyes shot open. I demanded in a panicking tone, "What are you going to-"

Before I was allowed to finish my sentence, a gloved hand pressed two fingers against my neck and plunged the tip of a needle into my veins.

The effect was instantaneous. My surroundings suddenly became a few shades darker, like someone had adjusted the brightness level in my eyes. It was as though somebody had dropped a ton of coal on my head, and my body felt like it was sunken in gooey mud.

"This will hurt, Miss Petrov." The voice definitely didn't belong to Strucker. It sounded younger, and less menacing -

As my eyes tried to focus onto the dark image before me, I saw a hand hold up a broad needle that was filled with shining cobalt blue liquid. Then he pierced it into my neck.

Someone was screaming, a scream that never stopped for breath, and I had a vague idea it might be me. Burning hot lava boiled my skin, gushing and surging through my veins. My vision was blinded with red, and my head felt like it was being split open, slice by slice. I couldn't see, couldn't feel, couldn't hear. My senses were being barbecued. Exploding tides of pain erupted inside of me like a series of volcanoes. Please! Stop! Please! I beg you! White hot agony seared across my eyes.

Make it stop!

The pain kept attacking continuously, and my whole being was being tormented to the point of unconsciousness.


Darkness was already swallowing up my vision, engulfing me in black, charring pain.



A/N: Chapter one is here! Hope y'all enjoyed it, and thanks for reading! Comments and votes and always welcome :D

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