CHAPTER 3: The Avengers (and a Weird Dude)

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[A/N: I'm writing most of this chapter off what I can remember, so please correct me if I make any mistakes c: Don't forget to vote!]



"Watch it!" Natasha shouted at me as she dodged a stream of crackling electricity that almost hit her, missing her by about a few inches.

"Sorry!" I apologised, putting on an 'oops' expression as I went ahead and barbecued three men at once.

"Shit!" Tony's voice said in my earpiece.

"Language!" Cap demanded while knocking out a couple of men with some of his awesome moves.

I had to laugh at that. Typical old Cap. I slashed out my double whips which were glowing with the power of electricity and wrapped them around the legs of two men before twisting around so that they banged into others. In matter of seconds there was a pile of passed out humans lying in the snow.

"JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Cap shouted.

The others started discussing something through our earpieces, but I wasn't paying attention because I was busy taking down a pretty tough guy. He kept avoiding my whips rather skillfully. In the end, I successfully threw a hard punch at his face while he was jumping over my flying whip and he was thrown back with a nosebleed, scarlet droplets ruining the white snow.

"-element of surprise," was all I heard Clint say.

There was a pause as everyone continued fighting off Strucker's men, too busy to chat.

"Wait a second, no one else is going to deal with the fact that Captain said 'language'?" Tony said with a snigger.

"I know, it just... slipped out," Cap muttered.


Sirens were blaring everywhere, and my ears were on the verge of exploding. I could hear a lot of commotion, and it seemed like some sort of war was raging on outside.

"This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack!"

I heard Baron Strucker talking to two of his men in low, fast whispers. I could barely catch their words.

"They have to be after the Scepter." He turned to another man. "Can we hold them?"

"They're the Avengers!" the man exclaimed.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks," Strucker ordered. "Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks."

"Yes, sir." The man scurried away.

"And everything we've accomplished..." Strucker whispered to his companion, trailing off.

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the trio."

The two turned to the three of us momentarily. Then Strucker shook his head. "It's too soon."

"It's what they signed up for," his partner protested.

"My men can hold them." Strucker's tone made it clear that the matter was settled. He was not going to send us out. "We will not yield!" he shouted in a confident voice, addressing whoever was in the room. "The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. NO SURRENDER!" he roared.

"No surrender!" the soldiers in the room yelled in unison, raising their guns.

"I am going to surrender," Strucker muttered under his breath.

Pietro, Wanda and I looked at each other and nodded determinedly. If Strucker wasn't going to send us, then we were sending ourselves. Without a moment's hesitation, we sprinted outside, straight into the cold. Naturally, Pietro, with his super speed, got there first and started tackling them.

I created a long stick made purely out of electricity, which glowed with energy, to use as a weapon. Immediately, I spotted one of the Avengers, which wasn't exactly hard since they were very out of place - Captain America, with his blue-white-red suit and bright star, another of the always-saves-the-day guy on television.

He reacted faster than me and flung his shield, and I dodged just in time, missing me by about half an inch. I threw my stick and it hit his... motorcycle? He was thrown off by electric shock, sprawling on the snow with a groan, the electricity connecting with him from the metallic surface of his motorcycle.

I saw Pietro crashing into a dude with bow and arrows I couldn't recognize. You go, Pietro!

"You didn't see that coming?" I heard Pietro say in a mocking tone to the bow guy who was lying on the ground, struggling to get up. Pietro must've injured him. He casted a smirk in my direction before disappearing off again.

I would kill off the guy on the ground, but, then again, he wasn't Stark. The one that I wanted to finish was Stark, not this guy.

Suddenly, somewhere ahead, I spotted a wave of electricity which didn't belong to me.

Curiosity got better of me, and I sprinted forward. I was a hundred percent sure I couldn't have shot that when I was so far away.

Unless there was a member in the Avengers who possessed the same powers as I did. The idea didn't make me happy at all.

"FIRE!" Someone suddenly yelled in a victorious tone, and before I could react, a blast of electricity hit my chest and I staggered backwards a little from the huge impact.

In front of me stood a guy poised in an attacking position. His triumphant expression fell like rocks when his 'fire' took no effect on me. While he had a befuddled look on his face completed with an arched eyebrow of bewilderment, I took the chance I had to quickly observe him. Brown hair, blue eyes, sharp jawline, tall and athletic figure. Not much special details that would make me remember him, except that his domain was also electricity.

I didn't waste time trying to electrocute him. If he can't harm me with his powers, then neither can I. Plus, he wasn't my target. My target was Stark, and Stark only. My whole purpose of coming out to fight was to get back at Stark for destroying my family so many years ago.

"Eleyra, behind you!" Wanda screamed.

I spun around and was just in time to duck. A hammer flew past my head. Had I been any higher up, my face would've been a lump of bloody flesh by then.

Wait, a hammer?

I looked to see who had thrown it. It was a rather muscular guy with shoulder-length blond hair. He looked ancient, with that red cape flying behind him in the wind like a boss. He had this stern and serious look on his face. It was hard to guess that his weapon was a hammer.

"Did she call you Eleyra?"

The guy who had attempted to electrify me suddenly asked. I raised an amused eyebrow at him.

"Yes, problem?"

I didn't even know why I was wasting time talking to him. I was about to turn and dart back to HYDRA headquarters when he called,

"Eleyra P-Petrov?"

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