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Waking up to the sun knowing that today will inevitably be my first day of hell. Well not technically, I have already been through a few years of high school, but upon moving schools let alone moving countries. I'm not really looking forward to going to a new school.

I get out of my bed and put on a band T shirt and jeans, I brush my teeth and hair and head to my bus stop, The bus nearly arriving as soon as I get there.

As soon as I walk on to the bus and I notice a group of people in the back talking and my eyes go straight to Him. He has blue hair and a thick cockney accent, cute honestly. I want to ask to sit with him but it looks like he's already talking with others.

While sitting waiting to get to school I hear someone start talking to me.

It was him
"Are yew new 'ere?"
"Yeah, I'm Y/n"
"I'm Stuart, do yew mind if I sit 'ere?"
"I don't, go ahead"
"Where are yew from?"
"I'm from US but Colorado"
"Oh awesome yew listen to f/b?? (favorite band)" He said pointing at my shirt
"Yeah! I love their music!"
"What's yew're favorite song?"
"f/s (favorite song)"

For the rest of the ride Y/n and Stuart talked about music they like certain bands and got to know each other.

Stuart's Pov
"Bye Stu! I'll see you later if we have any classes together!"
"Bye Y/n!"
I caught myself blushing at her calling me Stu.
Y/n is the nicest person I've met in a while, she's so pretty just by the way her H/l H/c hair framed her face and her E/c eyes that sparkled in the sun. Just the way she looked at me...What am I thinking?? She doesn't like me like that. We are just friends.

Your Pov
"Bye Stu! I'll see you later if he have any classes together!"
"Bye Y/n!"
Stuart is so sweet, we talked about music we liked for the whole bus ride. I wanted to ask him about his blue spiky hair. His eyes were beautiful they matched with his hair, He's really tall he has to be 6'1-6'2 and he's such a good listener. I really like him, I knew I was right about him but I know he doesn't like me like that. For now we can at least be friends.

Lost in my thoughts I accidentally run into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention and-"
"Hey, it's okay don't worry about it. I'm Billie." He said putting his hand out
"I'm Y/n."
"Nice to meet you Y/n, are you new here?" he said
"Yeah I just moved here from Colorado."
"Oh cool, I'm from the states too but I moved here when I was younger."
"What class do you have next?" I asked
"I have Geometry, you?"
"Have you made any friends yet or am I your first friend??" Billie says jokingly
"Well there's this one guy, his name is Stuart he's really sweet." I say
"That's pretty cool."

Billie was pretty attractive, he has Black hair, spiky like Stu's but shorter, and wasn't nearly as tall as Stu.

He was really nice to me. I kind of tuned in and out in geometry class. I had a lot on my mind.

I want to talk to Stu again but I don't know if we're in any classes together. I hope so but the chances are kind of low. The good thing is, is that Geometry is over in 3 minutes and I have music next. I'm excited to see who's in my class, but mainly Stu. I hope he is but I guess I have to wait to see.

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