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After I somewhat put everything together in my room last night I kind of just passed out, I was exhausted from the long day of boring stuff we did. Tonight we have a party and I gotta start decorating, I figured that nobody is gonna be upstairs or in bedrooms or anything so we only have decorations for the main area of the house. That shouldn't be a problem though. I woke up a few hours ago anyway, I think it's around 2:30 PM so I should get to decorating because the party starts at 5:30. I'm not really expecting help from anyone while decorating because...well if you want things done right do it yourself. We decided on a red theme because we're all wearing red, so I think I'm gonna start decorating now.
I took the bag off of one of the many boxes I have stacked in my room. I made sure to make a mental note to unbox all my clothes after I was done decorating, and I went downstairs to the 'lobby' of the place and started hanging streamers, we had forgot to get the helium for balloons so looks like I'll have to blow them up also. Sounds like loads of fun.

After a while of decorating but being far from done I hear someone coming downstairs hoping it's not Paula knowing she'll make some comment on it.
"Hey, Y/n. This looks great!" Murdoc says
"Thanks but I'm nowhere near being done."
"Yeah, maybe get some more balloons here and there."
"Got it."
After that I hadn't really heard much from anyone I'd assumed that Stuart and Paula were getting ready.

After another hour or two I'm finally finished decorating and I think it's 4:30. Great! I only have an hour to get a shower do my makeup/hair and get my outfit together. I guess I gotta work fast. I grab a towel and get in the shower as quickly as I can. I think I just broke a record for the fastest shower ever. Luckily I brought my hairdryer from my old house so that speeds up the process and makes life a lot easier. Once I get back to my room I just throw on some clothes that I know I'll be changing out of and I start to dry my hair, which is a little time consuming but it's better than letting it air dry which takes forever.
I think that took me about 15 minutes and my shower took about 5 minutes, so I have 40 minutes to get the rest done, I think while Im at it I'm gonna do my hair just kind of curling it a little bit. Which didn't take that long. I'm so worried about not being ready in time I'm here timing myself. So I've finished my hair, and now Im gonna work on my makeup, Im not gonna do anything too much, just something more on the natural side.  Like a little blush here, and a little mascara there, maybe some eyeliner and some lipgloss and then I think I'd be set. So I did that, and I look gorgeous! I'm excited to get my dress on but I only have 5 minutes to get dressed. I think for how much I was rushing I got a lot done, and I look pretty good too. It would've been  nice to paint my nails in all but that's okay. I think I'll just pick out some flats because it's the easiest to get on and off, and I'm already pushing it time wise.
After I had gotten myself ready I went downstairs , there were already a few people there but I knew they'd flow in like crazy.
"I like your dress Y/n." Stuart says, but Paula kind of elbows him. It looked like she hurt him.
"Thank you Stuart your outfit is nice also, yours too Paula." I lied through my teeth in that last part but that didn't really matter.
Stuart looked really antsy like he had something he wanted to say to someone but he got dragged away into a crowd of people by Paula.

About 2 hours later Murdoc is still nowhere to be found, he's probably with some girl, now that I think of it, I haven't seen him since I was decorating. I'm not too worried though. I've been having a blast talking with people and just dancing. I kept noticing Stuart glancing over at me, maybe I'm seeing things or maybe he's looking at someone else. Although I wanted to see if he was okay, that's what friends do.
"Hi Stu."
"Hey Y/n" He says shyly
"Is everything okay?"
"Well kind of.."
"What do you mean?"
"I need to talk to you about something that I haven't been able to get off my mind."
"Okay, I'm here to listen." I say while wondering what he's gonna say.
"Not here okay?" He says.
"Come with me." He says taking me down a long hallway away from the party.
After a bit of walking I assume we're in his room, It just kind of fits him.
"I wanted to talk about us." He says
"What..?" I say as my heart is pounding and my face is turning red.
"After everything my accident I feel like everything has been different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"Bad different, I'm sorry if it's seemed like I've been ignoring you, Ive just had a lot on my mind." He says
"I get it.What did you want to tell me that day..?"
"What?" He asked confused
"August 15th. Before everything happened you were gonna tell me something. I said
"Oh...Well it's just that, Paula wanted me to tell you that she didn't want us to be as close anymore..because she thought you would try something on me."
"I'm sorry. I told her that you were my best friend and she doesn't understand."
"Yeah, Stuart I'm sorry..I think I should just go.." I get up to walk out of the door and I feel something holding me from going. It was Stuart grabbing my wrist..
He was standing looking down at me. His face was extremely red, along with mine.
He leans in for a kiss, and I kiss him back.
After a moment we realized what we were doing.
"I'm so sorry I just.." I say trailing off
"I kissed you..."
"You kissed me.."
"I have a girlfriend.."
"You have a girlfriend.."
"I'm sorry..." I say running out of his room.
What did I just do...?

1005 words

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