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2Ds POV:
I had pulled Y/n away from the party, because I wanted to apologize for being so distant, and I want things to go back to normal like when we first met. I explained to her how Paula didn't want me hanging out with her, and I think that upset her. I don't know what made me do it..but I KISSED Y/n. Paula is going to murder me. Yeah, I love Paula but I love Y/n... I can't think this way i'm with Paula. I'm so screwed. She's gonna find out, and I just made things more awkward with Y/n. Maybe I should just go back out to the party and act normal like nothing happened, I don't wanna avoid her but I don't know what I should do, for god's sake I kissed her, Murdoc is right, I'm a thick skulled idiot.

Normal POV:
Holy shit..what just happened? Stuart kissed me and he has a girlfriend. I'm just going to go out to the party like normal.
When I walked out there I saw Paula and Stu together. That made my blood boil even though they've been together for a bit. Maybe I do have feelings for Stu...
I sit down next to them

"Have you guys seen Murdoc at all?" I ask

"N-no." Stuart says avoiding eye contact

"No! Not at all." Paula says

"It's not nice to talk about people behind their backs." Murdoc says.

"Murdoc where have you been!?" I ask

"I want everyone to meet our new drummer, Russel." He says completely ignoring me.

"Hello, I'm Y/n." I say

"I'm Paula, Stu-pot's Girlfriend!" Paula says annoyingly

"Ello' I'm Stuart." Stu says

"It's nice to meet you all." Russel says

"Yes, Right. Y/n, show Russel around."

A part of me wanted to say 'why don't you? ya lazy green pickle.' but that wasn't really that nice especially because he's our new drummer, and it would be nice to get to know him.

"Follow me Russ." I say

"How did you join the band, Y/n?" He asks

"Well, I moved here not too long ago, 2D our singer was my best and only friend at our school besides my friend Billie, then he was dating Paula and Murdoc ran him over...twice. That's how he has no eyes. I was watching him and the second time that he got ran over he came back around and he's some what back to normal."I said

"Wow..that's quite a story." He says

"Yeah...really is.." I says

"Well, this place is pretty big but we moved in recently so kind of empty and my room isn't decorated at all." I say

"Who's room is this?" Russel asks

"Stuart and Paula's, Mainly Stu's." I blush at his name. "You can pick any room you want.."

"Thanks N/n (Nickname)" Russel says

"Hey you can roam around Im gonna go back to the party, if you need anything let me know, I'll be happy to help!" I say

"Thanks again!" He chuckles

I walk back out to the party and see someone unexpected.

"Y/n!" He says

"Billie! What are you doing here??" I say happily

"I heard about a cool party for this upcoming band or something, what about you?"

"I live here.." I say scratching the back of my neck

"Oh, cool! Who's in the band?" He asks

"Well, Stu, his girlfriend Paula, this green guy Murdoc, and our new drummer Russel. Also me." I say

"That's really cool Y/n! Hey if you get famous remember me." He says nudging my shoulder.

"I won't!" I giggle

"This party is pretty sweet..Did you decorate?"

"How'd you guess!?" I ask

"Seems very like you. You know?"

"Heh yeah!" I say smiling

"Hey...Do you hear yelling or something?" He asks worried.

"Well it is a party but I'll go check it out and see if anything is up, sound good?" I ask.

"Yeah, don't get caught up into any fights." He says

"Don't worry. I won't." I say reassuringly

Russels POV:
There's this strange noise, and I think It's coming from the bathroom. I might go see what it is....

Sorry for the lack of updates, schools been a bitch and I'm sick right now, I'll try to write more if i'm off more school days. I was really excited writing the first 7 chapters and kind of burnt myself out I will be trying to update lots just not every day. 758 words :))

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