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I wake up on a hard mattress, slowly remembering where I am. I almost forgot that Murdoc said he was going to take me to get my furniture today. No more sleeping on a shitty mattress!!! He also mentioned he wanted the band to help him get stuff for something. He didn't mention what though...
Still getting used to this place I went to the kitchen also getting lost a few times.
"Morning" I say groggily
"Get ready we're going to get your furniture and shopping." Murdoc says
"Morning to you too." I say sarcastically
"Morning Y/n." Stuart squeaks
"Morning Stuart." I say
At least he is talking to me again...
"When we go shopping today I want you guys to buy outfits for tomorrow. Stuart tell your girl that also."
"What's tomorrow?" I ask
"With a big place like this we're having a party!" Murdoc says
"Okay then..." I say
I walk over to the fridge and pour myself orange juice.
"Ew! How old is this orange juice?!" I say spitting out sour orange juice. I walk back to my room to grab a pair of clothes and a towel to shower. I turn on the shower. Warm water hits against my back while I scrub shampoo into my hair. I hear the door creak open. "Occupied!" I shout in shock
"Sorry..!" Stuart says embarrassed.
I felt my face get extremely hot, but I continued on with my shower.
2 and a half hours later.
"What's taking so long?!" Paula complains
"Murdoc decided he wanted to lose the car keys." I say
"Shut up!" Murdoc says
"Stu-pot, we should match outfits for the party tomorrow!" Paula says
"Sure my luv." Stuart says
I rolled my eyes in disgust
"I found them let's go now!" Murdoc says
We go out to Murdocs car and get in the beat up old thing.
"So for party duty, Y/n and faceache will be in charge of decorations, me and Paula will be in charge of drinks." Murdoc says
"Sorry but aren't we getting my furniture?" I say annoyed.
"Yes." He says.
Finally we arrive at my house to get my furniture, I didn't really have much since I've only been living there for a few months. So I only needed my clothes and my bedroom stuff. I'll just have Billie watch over my house. I find a box to get the last bit of clothes and honestly it was annoying with Paula commenting on clothes I had, I had this dress that I wore for home coming back in the states and she was begging me for it. Meanwhile she was bothering me Stuart and Murdoc were putting my furniture in his car constantly yelling at each other. After a long hour of getting everything we finally are on our way to the store.
"I've been putting some thought into this and I think we should call faceache over here 2-D, you know because if the 2 dents in his face." Murdoc says
"I like that a little bit.." Stuart says.
"Stu-pot I love you so much!" Paula says loudly trying to push at my nerves.
"I luv yew too Paula."
"Okay so we have everything right?" I ask ignoring Paula
"Yes, and can we get going now?" Murdoc says annoyed
"I'm so excited for the party tomorrow!!" Paula says
"I'm sure there will be a lot of people." I say
"You're right. So we're gonna need a lot of stuff." Murdoc says
Finally we arrive there and split of into our little sections we were assigned by Murdoc. Honestly I think it was an excuse for Murdoc to be with Paula.
"Stuart do you think I should get streamers?"
"Yeah and some cool balloons to go with them!" He said excitedly.
"I think we should go for a red theme, It would be really cool." I say
"I agree, with glow sticks even."
Maybe Stuart was having a bad day yesterday...He hasn't really talked to me today besides now and him saying good morning, but I'm glad he's not avoiding me.
"I'm gonna go find something to wear quickly you keep looking at decorations." I say
After a bit of searching, I find this pretty red dress that isn't that much and isn't super flashy either. While walking back to decorations I bump into Stuart.
"Hey I was looking for you!" I say
"Yeh, I got decorations and Paula said she's gonna pick our outfits for us. What are you wearing?"
"Gonna have to wait until tomorrow."
"Alright then."
"Hey twats, ready to go?" Murdoc asks
"Right, let's check out then."
After buying everything we go back to the car and go home to Kong.

Once we got back Murdoc and Stuart took my stuff to my room and I took my clothing boxes, while Paula did pretty close to nothing besides bringing in the loads of booze they bought and the decorations.
After everything was in my room I thought it would be a good chance to get my bed set up and hang some clothes in my closet, I had a lot of cool band posters I've been meaning to hang in my old room but never got to it. Of course I had so much I wanted to do but I was exhausted from shopping all day and getting everything back here. Plus it was kind of late so I think it's best if I go to bed...In MY bed.

Bleh I didn't really like writing this chapter, It was a filler chapter for what I plan on writing next, and it will be interesting ;)) Also I will be trying to write a lot more and get more chapters in every day but school has been a bitch and i've been really exhausted lately so if i don't update a lot i'm sorry, I have lots planned for this and i don't plan on discontinuing this book. 1002 words.

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