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It's been a few months since me and Stu met. It's a little odd he's been kind of distant but he has someone he wants me to meet today. He isn't gonna tell me until we're on the way, hell he won't even tell me where we're going. He really has me wondering.

Stuart's Pov
"So Stu, still won't tell me who this mystery person is?"
"Well...yew gotta wait..!"
"Ugh fine." she chuckled "Be that way Stu."
"I want it to be a surprise Y/n."
"I knowww."
"Hey maybe we could hang out this weekend, I work but that doesn't mean we can't hang out there."
"Honestly yeah, I'd love to we haven't hung out really."

Y/n and Stuart kept talking as they got there

Your pov
"Ooh okay we're here! Close yewr eyes!" Stuart says
"Ok ok they're closed." I say
"Over here."
I see a lovely restaurant with a girl with black hair standing outside of it.
"Hello! You must be Y/n."
"Y/n, this is my girlfriend, Paula!"
"N-nice to meet you, Paula." I say as my smile fades away
"Stu-pot has told me so much about you!" she says plastering a smile which was clearly fake
"Right, do yew girls want to go in and eat?" Stuart asks
"I'm good thank you." I say "I'm not very hungry and I'm having Billie come pick me up." I lied
"Is everything okay Y/n?" Stu asks with a caring tone.
"Yeah I'm good just I don't have that much of an appetite right now."
"It was lovely meeting you Paula, I'd stay longer but I'm having a friend come pick me up." I lied
"Oh! It was lovely meeting you too!" She said going in for a hug "Listen. Stu is mine. So if I see you with him you'll pay hell." She whispered in my ear.
"Bye guys."

I walk away from them and feel tears swell up in my eyes. I find the nearest parking lot and pull my diary out of my purse.

August 16th 1997
I've liked Stu since I met him. I don't know why I guess it was that he was the only one to make an effort to talk to me besides Billie. Sure Billie is great, he's attractive and really sweet but I have eyes for Stu. I wish I would've told him I liked him sooner, But too little too late. I feel like a fool. As if clown makeup is painted on my face and the only thing to cleanse it are my salty tears. Why was Paula so nasty to me? I was only nice to her. I guess she's defensive or something. Is it obvious that I like Stu? I was entranced from his beautiful face and his smile. Just his everything's, and I've lost it all like an idiot. How could I be so foolish? I just want to cry. I hope I didn't make Stu upset because the way I reacted.I'm so frustrated and it's not even Stuart's fault. It's mine. I'll wait around and watch from across the room wishing that Paula was me, but until then, if there is a then, I will be patient.
I finish my entry with a tear stained page, and I hear a familiar voice.
"Y/n?" "Are you okay?"
I look up to see Billie. I get up and walk over to him and give him a hug.
"Do you want to talk about it?
I nod at his question
"Stuart has a girlfriend." I say
"Oh... Oh..!, Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way about him.." He said comfortingly
"Mhm"I silently sob into his shirt
"His girlfriend wanted me to stay away from him as well... Why do I feel this way?"

August 15th 1997
I feel bad for overreacting yesterday even though I'm not really over it still, but something is telling me to apologize. I plan on going to his work but I look like shit right now. Tear stained cheeks and runny mascara, As soon as I got home yesterday I fell asleep but that's not very important. I am going to get ready and go visit him.

"I should probably get ready" I say while walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

"Hmm, I think I'll shower." I think aloud
I get in the warm shower and the water soaks my hair. "I think Stu will understand." I say while scrubbing shampoo into my hair. "Today will be a good day." I reassure myself.

buckle up everyone for the next chapter. I'm more at the point where i'll be making longer chapters and I did a longer time skip because i couldn't keep it up with the boring filler chapters and I'm sure you couldn't either because there was nothing interesting and all and introductions are very annoying for me to write. 830 words

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