Raynor: Episode VI

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Raynor: Episode 6

Jim Raynor: Well guys, we're now criminals. They're the law and we're fugitives of their corruption.

Tychus FIndlay: Don't worry old buddy. I'll be with you no matter what.

RyK KYdd: I'll go my own way. I'll use my sniping skills for something else..

Jim Raynor: Well see ya.

RyK KYdd: Bye.

Jim and TYchus were charged with murder with absentia. Ryk decided he was going his own path. Regardless, their military career is over and their criminal adventures have begun. Jim also learned about his father's death as he saw mother was also dying. With the death of both of his parents, Jim coped by launching heists with Tychus.

Tychus Findlay: Ya know robbing trains isn't so bad.

Jim Raynor: Yeah, if we only won that damn battle we wouldn't even be doing this right now.

TYchus FIndlay: The SHale Express is easy to take down.

Jim Raynor: Not even the outriders can catch us with our vulture bikes.

The two went to the moon of Haji and started their criminal career there.

General Sol Kervock: Alright men we burn this planet! Those two shall never escape!

General Sol Kervock's men complied with order and started to use scorched earth tactics burning down the planet. The civilians were terrorized and the duo quickly had to respond.

Jim Raynor: They're burning civilians! Quick, take the vultures!

TYchus FIndlay: Right.

The duo stole a pair of COnfederate vultures and quickly rallied the civilians to their side.

Civilian: thank you! Those guys are destroying our livelihoods

JiM Raynor: You're always welcomed!

The two eventually captured Kervock.

Sol Kervock: Ugh... dammit I underestimated your resourcefulness.

Jim Raynor: Now we got you. We shall hold you captive.

Tychus FIndlay: Ah I ain't holding him.

Raynor and FIndaly released Kervock only to want revenge against them

Sol Kervock: Those two shits! I need a way to stop those murders! Ternas!

Ternas Shan: Yes?

Sol Kervock: We're getting them again! We are going to disguise ourselves this time!

Ternas Shan: Ok.

However as they tried to recapture Raynor and Tychus a civilian noticed them.

CIvilian: Hey! You're the guy that tried to burn down our planet!

Another Civilian: Let's get 'em!

A mob eventually lynching Kervock's men.

Ternas Shan: I'm taking this matter into my own hands.


Sol Kervock was shot in back of skull none other than his subordinate Ternas Shan

Ternas Shan: I'm putting this planet under material law! This moon is under lockdown.

The riots eventually pulled down and subdued. The duo was charged with Kervock's murder despite their innocence. They both went to New Sydney instead where they robbed trains for 5 years. This got the attention of Wilkes Butler since 2492 as he had a hard time catching them. Jim Raynor also got his jukebox around this time.

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