Chapter 23

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[Wave's Perspective]

"Yes..." Namtarn replied slowly. "He's our school's headmaster..."

After hearing that everyone fell silent. Most of the gifted class students were still staring at the picture on the screen, and the Blacklist students and 2Moons were stunned. 

"Are you sure?" P'Pha asked carefully.

"We are," Punn answered with a serious tone. "He makes announcements every semester in front of everyone and also comes to check on the gifted class pretty often. We can't be mistaken."

"Do you guys have any idea why his name might be in the file?" P'Forth asked the entire gifted class.

"We're not sure..." Namtarn replied. "Maybe it has to do something about how our school is one of the only schools that have gifted program open during high school?"

"We should look into this more carefully," P'Pha said in a stern tone. "I have a feeling that this entire thing is connected to something much much bigger than we expected."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Indeed the more and more we dug into the case, it felt like we were stepping into a much bigger territory that we shouldn't be touching, but there was no way we could back away now after knowing certain people were trying to use the gifted cells to make an army.

"Ha..." P'Pha sighed. "Let's meet again tomorrow. I think we all need some time to think over everything that we learned today. By perhaps if you guys find any information about your headmaster or anything about why his name is in the file tell us tomorrow. I'm off then to find more information myself."

With that P'Pha and P'Earth left the classroom together. Everyone was in shock after learning about everything. Some of the gifted students stood up without a word and went back while others starting talking amongst themselves. Never really being part of the crowd or even having a group of friends to talk together after class, I just quietly got my stuff and started to stand up to go back to my room when someone stopped me.

"Wave, where are you going?" Traffic said with a smile.

"I'm going back to the dorm," I answered.

"Let's go back together," Traffic said while standing up from his seat.

I just turned around and started walking back to the dorm. I knew that even if I didn't answer back Traffic would be following along behind me. As expected Traffic was right behind me, trying to catch up to my walking speed. 

"Wave, wait for me!" Traffic said while, approaching closer to me. "Let's walk side by side~ We are dating now~"

As we were close to our dorm, I quickly grabbed Traffic's hand and dragged him into our dorm and closed the door. 

"You said all those things in front of everyone on purpose right?" I asked with a frown on my face.

"You know me too well," Traffic said with a smile. "You should have told me if you wanted to hold hands so badly."

I looked down towards our hands, and I finally noticed that my hands were still intertwined with Traffic's. Startled I quickly took my hands away from Traffic, and at that moment Traffic placed his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Why are you moving away from me?" Traffic asked more seriously. "All I want to do is stay close to you. Don't you feel the same?"

"I-I," I stuttered, feeling my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

Before I could say anything else Traffic started to move closer to me. My heart felt like it was about to explode. I slightly closed my eyes with anticipation, when I felt a pat on my head. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Traffic smiling sweetly at me while patting my head slowly.

"I'll wait till you are ready," Traffic said with a smile.

While if I said not even a small part of me didn't want Traffic to go on and kiss me at that very moment, if would have been a lie, but a part of me was also relieved. I was glad that Traffic was willing to wait for me. I knew for a fact that there was a part of me that was still scared that this relationship for too good to be true. I wasn't completely ready to go any deeper than the current status. At that moment the light flickered ever so slightly.

"Are you okay?" Traffic asked with panic mixed in his voice.

"I'm fine," I reassured him.

Thinking back to the moment when the lights flicked, my brain started to bring up from different circumstances. After some thinking back to the other times that my potential went out of control, I figured out that there was one thing in common. My heartbeat was faster than usual, and my whole mind was on one certain subject that I cared about. Figuring this out I quickly moved towards my room. Seeing this, Traffic followed behind me.

[Traffic's Perspective]

"What are you trying to do?" I asked with worry. "You should rest. You know what will happen to you if you can't control you potential."

"I think I figured it out!" Wave said with a sparkle in his eye. "I thought back to all the situations where my potential went out of control, and I noticed there were some similarities. In those times my heart rate was faster than usual, and I was focused on one certain subject that I cared about. If you learn how to this I might be able to start controlling electronics without touching them!"

"Really?" I asked with my eyes becoming wide. "Does that mean that you wouldn't start fainting anymore?"

"If I learn how to completely control it," Wave told me as he started to set some things up on his desk. "It will take some time, but I will be able to pick it up sooner or later."

"Wait a minute..." I said while thinking back to what Wave said about his potential. "You said faster heart rate, and a subject that you cared about right?"

"Yeah," Wave said without much thought.

"That means that liked me from way far back," I said with a smile.

"Wh-what are you saying?" Wave said in a startled tone. "There is no way I liked you be-before."

"You're stuttering," I said, thinking how cute Wave was with a full blush coming up his face. "It's so obvious you liked me pretty early one, but if it makes you feel better I'm pretty sure I was attracted you way before you did."

As I said my words to soothe Wave down I moved closer to him, bringing him into my arms into a hug. As I hugged him, I felt Wave's tension get loose and a sigh from him could be heard. Feeling how much Wave felt safe in my arms, I couldn't help but a smile to come up on my face.

"Do you know how cute you are?" I asked with a soft smile.

"Sh-shut up!" Wave yelled as he moved away from me, moving his eyes quickly towards his computer screen.

"I'm pretty sure that no one in your class or my class would be able to imagine the ice prince be blushing and loosing his cool by just few words and gestures by me," I said with a smile. "But I am so glad that I am able to be the one to effect you so much. It confirms how much you feel the same feeling as me. Love."


Thank you for waiting and reading this chapter.
I know how much I have not been uploading. I had a lot on my plate, and I had a writing block. I guess I found myself kind of lost. I will try to come upload this more often. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you again for waiting and reading.

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