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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I want you all to know that I do check every day, and I am so happy because Nerds And Bruises are almost to 300 votes! That may not seem like a lot, but it's a huge jump to me. I read your guys comments everyday and I love them!

~Chapter dedicated to @ashtraytraylee, @ephemerale, and @ellajv. You guys defended Elle and actually helped me with ideas for this story. Thanks. You're awesome. Enjoy.~
Elle's POV
I thought for a minute. Definitely not what I expected.

I knew all the feelings I've felt in the past-  fear, anxiety, sadness, abandonment. But I've never felt anger to a reaction about my father. I decided there was a place and a time to be angry. This is it.

I whipped my cherry red hair back and forth, narrowing my eyes.

"Sean," I say in a small voice.
"Can you get out of the car so I can show you something?"

He squints his eyes me and gets out of the car.
As he walks over to me, I put my hands on his shoulders and look deep into his eyes, because I'm about to do something important.
I shove his shoulders into his body, and bring my knee to his groin. As he bends over, grunting in pain, I rake his back with my nails. The result of this is his standing up straight, clutching his back. I then slap him. Hard.

I was mad. Really mad. I just kicked him in his manhood, probably severely injured his back and probably bruised his face .

He was on his knees now in front of me face in front of my stomach. He looked up at me with watery and questioning eyes.

Why? I could feel him asking me in my head. Why would you do this to me?

Because, I mentally responded. Even though you saw the evidence, and you don't even know me, you still assumed I was lying.

I walked away and wiped away a tear. Some people just couldn't see what was right in front of them.

As the bell rings, I make my way to my locker and breathe out a sigh of relief. The school day was finally over and there was no encounter with Sean. I almost thought I was free of worries until I heard the clickety clack of Emma Monduens high heeled Aeropostale boots on the linoleum  floor of the hallway.

Damn. I assumed what was going to happen would be a usual interaction: she insults my outfit, maybe my hair if she's feeling spontaneous. I'll stay silent, the show of the fact that she is higher up on the high school food chain, and in return for my silence, she won't eat the lesser species (me). This basically means she won't ruin my life or make me cause commotion.

She does this every so often, to the lesser peers, looking for threats, and weeding out the defiant ones. I was never one of the defiant ones, so our relationship was just fine. We couldn't be friends, but I think if the circumstances were different we might be.

But I was not expecting the words that came out of her mouth.

"You're so pathetic," she said to me. "Why do you always have to mope around listening to all emo bands and cutting and stuff. Worse enough you have to try and ruin your father's career with all these lies about your home life."

I can't believe Sean told. I trusted Sean with a huge secret and he blew it and gave it to the most popular girl in our school.

Guess some people just don't stick around long enough to care or find out.

Short chapter, I know but I will try to update more tonight. Vote, comment, and please post on my wall, DM me, or Instagram me if you have more covers for me. my Instagram is Linnea.aubrey.  BY THE WAY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND COMMENTS CAN WE PLEASE GET THIS BOOK TO 300 VOTES? THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. I love you guys so much and I wake up to awesome comments every day thank you for all the voting and commenting.
Question of the day: what do you think will happen next?

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