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Okay guys, I know its a bit later than I said but here we go.

Elle's POV

My head whipped around, my eyes scanning to try and find an exit, but everyone around me was just laughing at me.
I knew how they saw me. The girl who was so fed up with being quiet that she made up lies to ruin lives.

I thought Emma and I had an agreement. But I knew the moment that Sean took a liking to me, that our agreement was over.

I really wish everything in my life wouldn't just go to hell.

I found Sean in the crowd of laughing peoole, and he looked... Almost sad.

I couldn't understand this anymore than I could understand why Emma decided on today to be mean to me.

I ran into the nearest classroom, which happened to be the science lab. I tripped over my converse laces as I went which only escalated the laughing further.
As I got into the empty classroom, I leaned against the door, sliding to the floor, ttears running down my face.
How could human beings possibly be so cruel? I decided to trust someone and this is what I got.

I wiped the tears from my face. Who was I, to play God, deciding when my life could get better?

Suddenly I heard tears. Tears that weren't mine.

I crawled forward, my bare knees hitting the cold tile through the rips in my jeans (I don't buy my jeans pre ripped, I'm just poor and they're old).

Peeking around the cold metal lab table, I saw another figure curled up in the darkness, sobbing.

I slowly scooched forward. The person saw me and tried to stop crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here," I whispered, letting my red hair fall around my face.

"I-It's okay," the figure stuttered, and much to my surprise, it was a boy.

I went and sat down next to him. He was wearing brown boots, dark blue skinny jeans, and a gray scoop neck t shirt.

'I'm Elle," I said. "What's your name?" I said in a kind voice.

He looked at me suspiciously. He hesitated for a second, then said "Teddy."

I smiled at him. He didn't look geeky or anything like that, just plain blonde hair (that kind of looked like Liam Payne's hairstyle from 1D, why I know that I don't know) and brown eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, before a smirk came on his face.
"I could ask you the same thing," he stated, a slow smile forming on his face.

I hesitated to tell him why, but then I just decided that his problem was probably as big as mine, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the time to cry in the science lab at 12:40 in the afternoon.

"I decided to trust someone with a big secret, and, well, he kind of told Emma." I didn't bother explaining who Emma was, as you can't go to this school without at least having a general idea of who she was. It wasn't that everyone liked her, it was just popularity and influence.

"Guys are jerks," Teddy informed me, as if I didn't already know that.
I smiled sadly at him.
"Well then I guess you're lucky to date girls, because most of us are pretty awesome and not jerks at all."

Teddy just chuckled.
"I, am a matter of fact, am gay. Quite gay. I do believe I am the gayest one in this room, and Mr. Pepper over there," he said, pointing to the frog case, "has been attempting to dry hump the other male frogs in the case for the past twenty minutes."

I have no idea why, but this made me laugh. Really, really hard. I had a good laugh, and after a while Teddy joined in with me. It was that kind of laugh, the kind where you laughing so hard and for so long that your stomach started to hurt. Every time we thought the laughing was over one of us would just glance at the frog case and it would start all over again.

I wiped my eyes and asked him, "Wait, so is that why you're in here? Because you're gay?"

Teddy simply looked at me like I'd grown another head. "Gay and crying because of it? No sir not me, I am gayer than Mr. Pepper over here and I am proud," which just started another laughing fit between us.

Teddy's eyes suddenly grew serious. "I am I'm here because I like this guy, and when I told him that I was gay and wanted to go out with him, he called me a faggot and told me to go burn in hell," Teddy admitted.

"Oh god, that sucks," I said to him. "I'm sorry man."

"But you know what?" I asked him.
He looked at me with curious eyes. "What, Elle?"

"You can only be who you aspire to be," I told him. " If you try to be what others want you to be, it will never work out. You can only be the purest version of you. And if others don't like you for that, then you simply have to go tell them to get their heads out of their assholes because apparently its dark in there. Life is only a short thing, and when you waste it trying to please others, all you will have is regrets. So my advice is believe them when they call you names, but its your duty to stand up and say that you're nothing but proud to be that."

A slow smile spread across Teddy's face.
"You know what? I think I like you Elle."
Teddy and I spent the next 20 minutes just talking, about where we want to go, who we idolize, movie and songs we liked and hated. I learned that his full name was Theodore Roosevelt Black, because his mom always wanted him to be just like the president. He wanted to go to pastry school and open up a bakery in NYC. We even skipped the next period because we were discussing strategies on how to rob a bank (we weren't actually going to do it of course).
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, what would we carry the money out in?" I asked, to which Teddy responded "Prada, girl we ain't going to be those old fashioned sons of bitches who just have burlap bags. This is 2015."

When I asked what would happen if one of us got caught, Teddy said to me, "Well, if I get caught I'll just suck the d!ck of the officer on duty. If you get caught, I'll just break you out of jail." I laughed and said "Apparently chivalry isn't dead."
Teddy smirked and told me, "Sweetie, chivalry is dead. I'm breaking you out of jail because that's what best friends do for each other."

And I guess, in a sense,he was right. We were best friends. You don't get to meet someone in a science lab crying and not become friends. It was nice to have someone.

Hey guys, well here it is. I know it took longer than I said it would, but it was worth it, was it not? I know I'm probably going to lose some voters because of the whole 'gay best friend' thing, but it's my book and I'll do whatever the damn hell I want.
A lot of you guys have been saying you'll never like Sean again because of the fact that he told Emma and all, but the next few chapters will make more sense as to why he did it.
Love you all,
Linnea xoxo

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