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Can we please try to get this chapter to 30 votes? If we get it to 40 I'll update early ;)

After Teddy and I cleaned ourselves up from the whole science lab thing, we went on with our day. Turns out Teddy and I had most of our classes together.

Yes, people still leered at me,making jokes, throwing me knives, laughing, etcetera etcetera. But with Teddy by my side, I felt stronger. He would help defend me, and he didn't press the subject on weather or not what I told Sean was true.

After History, which was my second to last class of the day, I needed to go to my locker to get my English Lit textbook. Naturally, my luck being as it is, my locker was the farthest one from both my English and Math classes. I knew I had to run to get to English Lit early, but I didn't really care, so I walked to my plain blue locker.

Once I got there, my jaw dropped to the floor. I stood there horrified.

Written all over my locker in Cinnamon Red Revlon High Def lipstick, were the words







And taped to the front of it were knives, ranging from plastic to pocket to Swiss Army.

I heard running footsteps behind me, but before I could make anything of it, I heard Sean's voice.

"Hey, Elle, I'm really sorry about what sh-" he stopped abruptly when he saw my mixed expression of anger and sadness.

His face got... Concerned? No, that can't be possible, he called me a liar and told my secret to the most popular girl in school.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me, walking closer.

And then I just snapped.

"Don't you fucking come near me! You called me a liar, and you told the most popular girl in our school my biggest fucking secret, you piece of shit," I said.

As soon as I said those last words, I immediately regretted it.
Because a look of self hatred crossed his face, and all it did was make me sad.

"I can explain everything," he said weakly.

"I'm sure you can," I scoffed, backing away.

With my body no longer in the way, he looked at my locker for the first time, and I think that was the moment that he snapped.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. This," He said to me, punching the locker next to mine. His mood didn't scare me, like it should. Instead, it make me smug.

"They feel the need to ruin someone else's life just because theirs isn't good enough. Because the thought that someone else might have real problems besides FUCKING TAN LINES never occurred to them!" He roared.

His eyes flickered towards me.

"Am I scaring you? If so I'm sorry, its just the things that they do sometimes..." He stated.

"Nothing scares Arabelle Eve Carter," I told him with a smirk on my face.

Then I remembered something.

"Why would you even care anyway?" I asked quietly.

His face turned to me, and his expression softened.

He walked up to me, and this time I didn't back away. He cupped my face in his hands, electricity shooting through my body.
"Not here," he whispered.
"I'll find you after school and explain."

I had my doubts, but... In the end the truth was, what could it hurt? In my experience, Sean was a pretty bad liar.

"Okay," I whispered to him.

I heard footsteps against the linoleum floor (once again, goddamnit what is wrong with people wanting to find me?)

I broke apart from him, pushing him a little bit.

Teddy rounded the corner, speaking from the get go.

"Elle, ohmygheewollies there you are I have been looki-" he broke off abruptly as he took in Sean and I, our faces flushed.

Teddy's face turned hard (what can I say? He was very protective after about five hours.)

"And who is this?" Teddy asked frostily, knowing full well who it was.

"I was about to ask the same question," Sean replied in just the same tone. The only difference is Sean really didn't know who Teddy was.

God, could they not have a measuring contest right in front of my locker? I thought to myself, rolling my eyes.

Teddy stuck out his hand.

"Theodore Roosevelt Black, best friend of Elle, aspiring cook, and teller-offer to those who put down previously mentioned best friend," Teddy said as I chuckled and shook my head.

Sean did the same to Teddy, sticking his hand out like a chauvinistic asshole.

"Sean Harold Ethan Spencer, the third. Quarterback, new guy, and not afraid to kick someone's ass when the need arises," he stated, to which I whipped my head around to look at him.

"Sean!" I exclaimed and he shrugged, as if threatening to kick my best friends ass was something people do everyday.

"What?" He asked me. "Just making my skills known," he stated.
I rolled my eyes yet once again, and turned to both of them, trying to even out the situation.

"Teddy, this is Sean, the person I am now on speaking terms with. Sean, this is Teddy, my very gay best friend," I said.

At this Sean visibly relaxed, causing me and Teddy to raise our eyebrows. Did Sean think Teddy was my boyfriend? And an even bigger question, was he jealous? My subconscious scoffed at me. He was probably just relaxed that Teddy wasn't going to tell him off.

The five minute bell rang suddenly, piercing through the ears of students, echoing through the cheap linoleum halls.
"C'mon Teddy, we have to get to English Lit," I told him. If we left any later we would have to run.

Teddy walked over to me and looped my arm with his, and then we walked down the hall.

"What was that?" Teddy asked me on the way to room 211.

"Sean asked me to give him a chance to explain," I told him. "And I thought well, what would it hurt? Also, he seemed pretty angry when he saw what they wrote on my locker."

He smiled softly at me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, by the way," he told me.

I rolled my eyes (yet again!!!) at him.

"Puh-lease, you're gay, I'm pretty sure you've been called worse things than emo, slut, and virgin in something more permanent that lip gloss," I told him, trying to lighten the situation.

"I was thinking about that," Teddy said. "How can someone be a slut and a virgin at the same time. Those are contradictory statements."

Once again Teddy made me laugh.

My English teacher raised her eyebrows when we walked in on time with our arms linked (I usually got in early and Teddy ran in at the last minute, and we were separate) but didn't sat anything as we took our seats.



Woah! 1156 words! Its late at night, and I wanted this chapter to be longer, but I also have to get up early tomorrow and I didn't want to put off the update anymore. I'm going to update within the next week (kinda depends on the votes).

*someone votes*

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