Chapter 5

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It was about 10am and I wanted to be leaving for the airport in 2 hours and I was the only one up and ready so I had an idea pop in to my head.

"Els are you awake?" I asked knocking on Ellie's door.

"Yeah, you can come in if you want."

"Hey, ummm we're the only ones up so I've came up with an idea to wake the boys up" I explained the plan to Ellie and left her to get changed so she could help me with the plan.

Ellie looked over the landing and gave me the thumbs up for the all clear. As soon as she disappeared to go and hide I started banging saucepans together running around the flat and going into their rooms making as much noise as I possibly could.

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY SODS WE'RE GOING ON HOLIDAY" I shouted over the banging of the saucepans.

As I expected the boys came running for me in the living area to shut me up, the only problem is they forgot that there is two Dirksen's in this house now so that means they where not watching their back. The balcony/landing looks over the living area and of course this is where the boys had gathered to beat me up.


Just as Drew had said they would go down to get him to shut up. As soon as Drew had got out the way and surrendered I started throwing water balloons down and of course they got absolutely soaking wet. Next thing I knew I was being pined to the floor by someone and I was getting water balloons chucked at me from above. When the water stopped I opened my eyes to see Nate sat on my feet and Levi holding my hands down. So I'm guessing it was Austin throwing the water at me as Drew was still down stairs wetting himself laughing.

"Hang on a minute if this was Drew's idea why is he the only one still dry, you should have got him and not me!"

"In are defense you was the one who was throwing the water at us!" Nate replied.

"Okay well the least you could do is 1) get off me 2) help me up and 3) help me get Drew."

As soon as I had said that the 3 boys charged down the stairs for Drew and pinned him to the floor whilst I ran to the kitchen and filled the last balloon up, once it was full I ran back in to the living area and dropped it on Drew.

"Okay I think we are all even can we go and get ready now to go to the airport because I want to go on holidayyyyy" Drew said getting up and heading to his room.

Soon enough we were all ready and waiting downstairs for the taxi to pick us up and take us to the airport. 10 minutes later there was a car horn and then Drew got a phone call to say that was the Taxi waiting outside, so we headed down the stairs of the flat making sure everything was left locked up.

"Hiya, you lot off to the airport?" The taxi driver asked, we all nodded in reply.

Drew hopped in the front of the Taxi leaving the boys and me in the back of the taxi and because there was only 3 seats I had to lay across all 3 boys which was quite interesting. Luckily it was only a 20 minute drive to the airport so it wasn't that bad. When we got to the airport Drew paid the taxi driver and we headed straight to the check in desk to check all the suitcases in. As soon as we had done that we headed to McDonalds getting something to eat as none of us had ate since last night.

"Can we go to duty free pleaseeeee" I begged as there was this really nice perfume I wanted but it was a bit pricey for me but I wanted to see if it would be in duty free.

"Yeah okay, but we only have half hour till we have to board the plain so don't be to long we will meet you at gate 8 okay?" Drew asked.

"Okay cool see you in a bit."

As I was heading off to duty free I though I heard my name being called but I must have just been my imagination

"Oi, I was shouting you didn't you hear me?"

"God you scared me, yes but no I thought I heard my name being called but I wasn't sure if I was just hearing things."

"Oh well yeah I was calling you, you going to duty free?"

"ahah sorry, yeah I am!"

"Cool, mind me tagging along?"

"No that's fine"

Me an Levi headed off to duty free to get some things for ourselves.

"Can passengers on flight BAR803956 please make there way to gate 8 that is flight BAR803956 please head to gate 8"

I found Levi after the announcement had been made and we made are way to the gate where we met up with the other boys. We soon got boarded and got are seats we where lucky and sat in the middle and managed to sit all in one row so you had Drew on the outside then me, then Levi, then Nate and Austin on the other end.

As we took off I was listening to my music thinking of what happened this morning. Maybe this holiday wont be as bad as I thought. Next stop Barbados.

A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday I wasn't very well but here is the next chapter for you all.

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