Meeting your parents

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Asra: Will try to dress their best. Will make sure everything about their appearance is perfect before even stepping foot out of the shop. Will be the most well behaved, mannered person your parents have ever met. They will bring them little gifts as well.

Julian: Keeps asking you questions, "Do you think they will like me?", "What if they don't like me and try to make you break up with me?", "I don't know if I can do this.". The whole way there was just you reassuring him. He will be awkward the whole time, and will try to leave as fast as he can. He will want to go back another time, when he feels he won't be as awkward.

Muriel: Wasn't very fond of meeting new people, especially ones that mean so much to you. He didn't want to make a bad impression, and your view of him to change. He did end up going with you to meet them, he brought your mom flowers and your dad a protective charm. (If you have two moms he brought them both flowers, and if you have two dads he brought them both protective charms.) Will be awkward at first but then warm up to them.

Lucio: He will think there is no possible way your parents wouldn't like him. He still tried on his appearances and brought gifts made of gold for them. He will invite them to the castle sometime in the future to have a feast. He makes a fool of himself a few times but leaves and pretends nothing ever happened.

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